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"Yasmin wayan ki na ringing"(your phone is ringing)

"ina zuwa"(I'm coming) Yasmin replied stepping into the room, upon seeing who the caller was she rejected the call and hissed.

"Won't you pick it" Yusrah asked, wondering why she rejected the call

"It's not important" Yasmin simply replied
"Yasmin you won't change, I am pretty sure Salim neh ya kira ki"

"And so what if he is the one" she replied

They heard a knock on the door, before they could reply Zee Zee their junior sister came in
"Abba na kiran ku"(daddy is calling both of you) she announced and left

They both stood up and followed her to Abba's living room. They made their way into the large living room, Abba and Mummy were present, they greeted their parents and sat down on the carpet.

Abba cleared his throat "You both know that Yusrah's wedding date has been fixed "he paused "so I decided to get both of you married  the same day"

The room went silent, with both of them shocked by what Abba just said, it's true that Yusrah's wedding date has been fixed and it is in 5 months time but the fact that Abba is getting them married on the same day is a big shock and to who.

Hot tears began streaming down Yasmin's cheeks, she didn't realise she was crying until their father asked her why she is crying, everything seemed like a dream nightmare to her because she never thought something like this will ever occur but here she is, marriage was the last thing on her mind.

The thought of who she was going to end up with brought a bitter taste to her mouth, even though she knew their father will never make a bad decision for her, but still she wondered.

She was lost in thought that she didn't notice that Abba was no longer in the room or when Mummy came to where she was, Mummy pulled her into a hug and whispered soothing words into her ears, without uttering a word Yasmin relaxed in her mums embrace.


It was a sunny afternoon, Yasmin was laying on her bed, when Yusrah barged in "Mummy ta ce ki shirya mijin ki zai zo yau" With that she left

Yasmin's expression changed with annoyance written all over her face, annoyed at the fact that Yusrah called 'him' whoever he is her husband.

Reluctantly she got up about to enter the bathroom, when an idea popped up, making her laugh. Okayyyy what is she cooking

The guest was lead to the guest parlour where visitors are kept, the house maid entered with a tray of food dished in warmers and drinks, he thanked her and she left.

He was already anxious to meet Yasmin even though this isn't the first time he is meeting her, but he doesn't know what she will think or how she will feel.

"Assalam Alaikum" she said making her way further into the parlour
"What are you doing here" she inquired

"I......" No letting him speak,"Don't tell me" she spoke and sat opposite him.

Few minutes passed and Yasmin was busy scrolling through  her phone while Salim was trying to start a conversation but she wasn't willing to listen.

"I am sorry I asked your father to get us married but you left me no choice, I even tried calling you but you didn't pick" he said

"No choice, really is it by force, dole neh" she replied

"I can't live without you, that's why I had to do what I did, I'm sorry"

"When you are done, you know your way out" she said and exited

She walked in while Yusrah was on the phone "gata nan ma " she said speaking to the person she was on call with. "Okay tohh " Yusrah said putting the phone on speaker.

Laughter erupted through the speaker "su Yasmin Amarya" said the person

"Ummi ki kyale ni" she pleaded
"Amarya ba kya laifi" said another person

"wa ya gaya muku zan yi aure neh wai" she asked the obvious question

"er uwar ki mana, obviously " a different voice replied, which made her realise it was a conference call.

"Bye" she ended the call

"Yasmin give Salim a chance" Yusrah spoke

She received a glare "if not because of you and your Adam I won't be in this mess, if it were you in this circumstance I'm sure  you'd have fainted a hundred times by now"

"Just think about it carefully " Yusrah's phone started ringing seeing as it was the love of her life calling, she stepped out to answer the call.

Meanwhile Salim was on his way home, he couldn't stop thinking about Yasmin, he has never loved anyone the way he loves Yasmin but she refused to accept him and he is not ready to let her go.

Bonus chapter
Shortest chapter so far.
I didn't update last week 😞 so this is a bribe chapter 🤭 please accept my bribe 😌 Thank you.

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