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"Ke" Ummi shouted as soon as I picked the call.
I was sleeping when my ringing tone woke me up.
"It's too early" I replied

"Too early, past 9 fah,  have you seen what's trending on Instagram"

"Hold on, Yasmin is calling me" I said adding Yasmin to the call making it a conference call.

"Kin hau IG yau" ( have you entered Instagram today) she asked immediately she joined the call

"No what's happening there" I inquired, oblivious to why they were asking

I received another call again and it happened to be Hafsat, so I added her to the conference call.

"Matar Yarima kin duba Instagram" ( Yarima's wife have you checked Instagram) Hafsat asked

"Seriously why are you all asking me if I've checked Instagram, what is going on" I replied to the questions "why is it so important, please tell me" i added

"I'll send you something through WhatsApp, check it" Hafsat said
"Ke" Yasmin said "she needs to know" Hafsat replied

"Please you guys are......." I started saying but I was cut off by a knock on my door. I got up and proceeded to the door, opening it with my phone still close to my ear.

Seeing it was Yarima, I said goodbye to the girls "I just got off the phone with Baba" he said
"Okay, hope no problem" I replied

"He said he wants to see us, so we are going in the next 30 minutes " he stated "Okay, bari in shirya"

We were in Baba's parlour waiting for him to arrive, few minutes later Baba came in, we greeted him and he answered.
"How are you doing " Baba asked me
"Fine thank you Baba" I replied curtly
"Is there any problem between the two of you" Baba asked going straight to the point
I shook my head wordlessly I'm shocked

"Forget he is my son and tell me the truth"
I glanced at Yarima who was also shocked by what was going on.

"babu Komai Baba" (Nothing Baba) I spoke softly
"Allah ya miki Albarka, you can go"
"Baba nagode"(Baba Thank you) I said and exited the living room, leaving Yarima behind.

I was in Mama's parlour and she was asking me the same questions Baba asked me.
"You know you can tell me anything right, do you have any problem with Abdul"

"No Mama, I don't have a problem with him" I replied

"Are you sure my daughter, since you say so" she said still not convinced
Yarima came out we bid farewell to Mama and left.

As soon as we came back home, I sat
In the parlour then I remembered Hafsat said she would send me something through WhatsApp so I  picked my phone and opened the message, what I saw made me upset.

She sent me a screenshot, I read it then I entered Instagram and it was flooded with what Hafsat sent me.

After reading everything I rushed to Yarima's room, in hurry I knocked and entered "Yarima have you seen what's happening on social media" I said showing him my phone.

He shrugged "yes I have"
"So you have and you didn't tell me" I said feeling annoyed

"Don't mind what they said, ignore them" he replied

"How would it matter since I am the gold-digger who married you, I'm the villain and you're the victim "
This isn't the first time social media has said I married Yarima because of his money, when word of our wedding got out there were plenty stories, like I bewitched him, he took pity on me, I want to devour his wealth and so on.

When I was dating Yarima I didn't even know he was a prince until the day his uncles and brothers came for sa rana.

"Of course it matters but you shouldn't pay heed to what they say, they are just jealous" he said wiggling his brows

"Are they "I couldn't help but laugh
"Seriously whoever did this has some nerve, this isn't the first scandal but the biggest yet" I gasped putting my hands over my mouth "this is what Baba was asking me and you knew"

I hit his arm " You knew and you pretended not to, you are so very  unbelievable, i can't believe something as important as this happened and you didn't tell me "

"The rumours are nothing but just rumours and nothing more, those bloggers are looking for anything that will boost their page" he replied turning his attention to me

"I'm just happy we are on our second semester break, if not the stares and side talks I'll receive are tremendous"

I hit his arm again" Is that all you are going to say"

"I don't love you again your mean" I stated wiping invisible tears
"Too bad, you're stuck with me forever and ever"

I left his room to mine and layed down for a nap, I need a recess.
The call of Adhan woke me up it's time for Magrib already I overslept
Done praying I folded my mat and hijab, then I noticed a paper bag with a note on my vanity table.

I read the note
To my one and only love
My heartbeat.
Love Y.
I opened the paper bag, let's see what's inside, chocolates lots and lots of chocolates, with a piece of red rose.

Taking a bite of my chocolate as I walk out of the room. Ohh no I forgot dinner, I will also pretend not to know he eats dinner like he pretended not to know about the scandal.
Cut the guy some slacks my subconscious responded.

The sweet scent of delicious homemade made food made it's way to my nostrils
"Noor" Yarima said
"I am sorry, please accept my apology dinner"
"Thank you for the chocolates" I said trying my very best not to smile

I served both of us.
Half way through our meal, he spoke "how is the food" he is a great cook and the food is perfect but I am not going to tell him.

I couldn't help the laughter so I caved, I always find it hard to stay upset with this man.

Fifth Chapter down.
Please this is purely a work of fiction and imagination.
Thank you for reading, please share, like and please do comment, Thank you.

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