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People were all over the place, everyone looking exhausted and tired. It felt as if I was coming back from the, probably because I just flew 6 hours across the country.

I dragged my luggage along with me and dashed outside the airport. Taxis were lined up beside the building, so I proceeded to where they were parked, a driver came and asked me where I was headed, "Winchester hotel apartments, Kuwait street" I replied and got in.

On my way to the apartment, I couldn't stop admiring the landscape, although this isn't my first time here. Everything seemed so new and fresh, the people , the tall buildings, i just can't get enough.

The taxi came to a halt, indicating I had arrived at my destination, so I payed the taxi driver, picked my luggage from the boot and proceeded into the large building.

"Good day, I have a reservation under the name Mrs Muneera Abdul" I said to the woman at the reception.

She went through the computer in front of her, probably trying to confirm my reservation
"Yes ma'am, room 507, welcome to Winchester hotel Apartments" she said handing me the room key

I nodded offering her a small smile and walked into the elevator. The elevator stopped and I got out and began searching for room 507.

It was at the left side, last room, so I swiped my key card and entered the room. I was so tired that I crashed on the bed and the rest was history.

I woke with serious hunger, I am not a fan of aeroplane food, so I ate little. I went outside, looking for a place I could buy noodles or anything, so I found a nearby mini supermarket, where I bought what I needed.

The hotel is an apartment, it has a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and a parlour. I took the items to the kitchen and began cooking.

I finished cooking in no time, so I dished my food and dug in. Halfway through the meal I remembered I haven't called Yarima to inform him I  arrived safely and my phone was on flight mode.

I rummaged through my bag and picked my phone, I removed it from aeroplane mode and called Yarima.
It rang but he didn't pick, I was about to call again when his call came in.

"I am so so so sorry" I said as soon as I answered the call "I slept off and forgot to call you" I added, hoping he wasn't upset.

"You are taking the next flight back home" he said sternly

I was silent, thinking of what to say but there was nothing.
"I was just joking, but how can you forget to call me" he said playfully

"I was tired, I slept off and when I woke up, I was hungry, I had to look for something to eat, I was halfway through when I remember I had not call you"

"Ohh, how was your flight, I hope it wasn't hectic" he asked

"Great, I am just a little bit tired" I replied yawning

"You should rest, I'll call later you seem sleepy"

"No, am not"

"Really, I don't want you doze off halfway through the call" he said laughing

"Trust me, your voice won't let me sleep off" I replied

"So you're obsessed with my voice"

"I didn't say I love your voice, what I mean is, it's scary enough to keep someone awake, very scary" I chuckled.

We talked for a while before we hung up. I wasn't feeling sleepy anymore, so I went to the balcony, the view was beautiful, I love Dubai.

I sat on the chair at the balcony, I was enjoying the fresh air. After several yawns I decided to go to sleep.

The next day I woke up feeling refreshed, I  performed my daily activities and headed out. I went to the restaurant in the hotel, I ate my breakfast.

After I was done eating I went to the park. I sat down admiring the environment. The park was not packed with people, but there were few children playing with the adults talking amongst their selves.

I got tired of staying at the park , so I walked to Jumeirah beach, since it was close to the park.

There was a food stand where I bought mango puree and French fries I love french fries.

After munching on my fries, I started picking seashells. I got a lot of seashells.

It was getting late and I had a boat cruise to attend by 8pm, so I had to return to the hotel to get ready.

I was ready by 7:30, I proceeded to the lobby and sat waiting  for the hotel bus to arrive.

It arrived by 7:45 and we got in. The boat cruise was free, so the hotel bus took us there.

We reached the boat in time. We were to circle round twice, there was food, entertainment, magic show, free henna and free photograph.

The way the moon reflected on the water was stunning, the sight was very beautiful.

I wish Yarima was here, I was already missing him. For a split second I wanted to go back home, but I needed this and it was my decision to come.

I pushed the thoughts away and continued admiring the beautiful moon along with the stars which lit  up the sky, the water sparkled due to the light from the sky.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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