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After Yarima left, she headed upstairs. On her way she felt dizzy and almost fell but luckily she held on to the railing.

She continued walking towards her room but then another wave of dizziness hit her, luckily Khadijah was there so she held her.

"Anty are you okay" she asked worriedly

"jiri nake ji" she replied

"mu je Asibiti"

"No I just felt dizzy but I am better now, please help me to my room"

Khadijah held unto her and took her to the room.

"Anty kina bukatan Komai" she asked still worried

"No nothing, thank you"

"bari in kira Yaya"

"A'ah Kar ki kira shi, it's nothing serious"

Noor was not a fan of Hospitals and she knew if Khadijah told Yarima, he would insist on her going to the hospital.

"Okay, ina zuwa" Khadijah said and left

Few minutes later she came back with Amma. They sat on the edge of the bed with their eyes on Noor.

"Please am not dying, why are you all looking at me like that" she stated trying to lighten the mood.

"We are here to take care of you" Amma said

"Please don't worry about me, I just need to rest"

Amma got up and switched off the light "there you can sleep"

A yawn escaped Noor's mouth and with no time she fell asleep. Turns out she was actually feeling sleepy.

The girls still stayed rooted at their spot, talking in hushed tones.

Noor woke up feeling much better. She looked round to see if the girls were still there but they weren't. She got up, went to the bathroom and performed ablution so she could pray the namaz she missed.

She said her Salam and ended her prayer. Taking gentle steps towards the door, she opened it and went downstairs.

The sweet aroma of homemade food hit her nostrils. She furthered into the kitchen, where she found Amna, Khadijah and Lantana.

It seemed like they cooked lunch "Anty kin tashi lafiya" Khadijah said dropping the cooler on the slab.

"Lafiya qalou thank you, are we expecting a guest" she asked teasingly

"Nop, just us" Amna said walking past her and dropping a cooler on the dinning table"lunch is served" she added.

They all took their seats at the dining including Lantana.
"Lantana kin Kai ma Malam Abu abincin Shi"

"eh Hajiyah" Lantana replied

"Who cooked " she asked raising her eye brow

"Both of us" they replied in unison.

"Really " placing a spoonful into her mouth

"Is it delicious" Khadijah asked.

She finished chewing before she replied "very very delicious, my girls are top notch chefs"

They both giggled happily at the compliment.


Yarima was on his way back from Work but the conversation he had with Noor kept playing in his head.

He felt sorry for what he said yesterday. He knew she wouldn't do a thing like that, but he was angry at the fact that someone would try to frame his wife.

He doesn't know what transpired between Nafisa and Noor, but he really wanted to know.

He was through with work, he decided to head straight to Baba's House.Upon entering the first person he saw was Nafisa.

"Ina wuni Ya Abdul" she greeted as soon as she sighted him walking towards her.

"Nafisa what did you say to my wife" he asked in the calmest tone he could muster.

"Ya I didn't say anything, she is ly ly lying" she stammered the last part

"Karya kuma? NAFISA" he yelled

"mai ke faruwa neh a nan"(what is happening here) Anty Halima asked.

Anty Halima (Hajiyah) is Baba's elder sister. She came Yesterday night from Egypt. She went to Egypt for medical checkup.

"ina wuni Hajiyah" ( good afternoon Hajiyah) Yarima greeted squatting down

"Lafiya qalou da na"( fine my son) "mai ta yi da kake mata tsawa"(what did she do that your yelling at her) she inquired, holding Nafisa.

"Hajiyah,wani abu ta yi wa mata ta, kuma ina tambayan ta ,taki amsa ni"(Hajiyah she did something to my wife and I'm asking her, she refused to answer me)

"Koma mai, bai kamata ka mata haka bah, er uwarka ce fah"(Whatever it is, you aren't supposed to do this, she is your sister) Hajiyah stated

"Yawwa dama akwai maganan da zamu yi, zo mu je" (there is a talk i want to have with you, come let's go) she added leaving with Yarima following suit.He followed her to her side.

"Abdul ya Ka ke, ya aiki" she asked
"Lafiya qalou Hajiyah" he answered

"Do you have any intention to marry a second wife" she went straight to the point

"A'ah Hajiyah, auran nawa yaushe yaushe"

"Tohh ni na ma Mata"

"Hajiyah" was the only thing he said

"zan aura maka Nafisa" she shouted Nafisa's name requesting her presence.

Like flash Nafisa appeared. Hajiyah got up to leave so did Yarima "Hajiyah bari in je gun Baba, sai anjima" he left.

He went to Baba's side, both Mama and mummy were there, they exchanged pleasantries, chatted a bit, then he bid them farewell and left.

He arrived home and Khadijah told him about what happened while he was away, so he rushed to her room.

He met her laying on the bed, facing the ceiling "how are you feeling, Khadijah said you were sick"

She adjusted her laying position and sat up "Ina wuni, it was just dizziness and I am much better, thank you"

He sat beside her and stared into her eyes "No, I'm not convinced " he added.

"Okay, are we having a staring contest" she joked.

"Please be serious, we are going to the hospital now"

"I told you it is just dizziness and I am much better, I don't feel dizzy anymore, plus you know I don't like hospitals and I despise injections"

"No one likes hospitals" he stood up "I will be back" with that he left.

Yarima said I should tell you all thank you on his behalf.
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