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Noor was standing in front of the mirror, she kept on staring at herself. The fact that she gained weight instead of loosing weight despite being sick for the past few days, came as a shock to her, plus she looked a lot lighter.

She adjusted her veil, picked her bag and placed her phone inside, with one last glance at the mirror she exited the room.

The girls are resuming school on Monday, so Yarima and Noor are taking them back home. They didn't want to go but they have to go and make preparations for school.

"Anty I will miss you" Khadijah said as soon as she sighted Noor coming down from the stairs.

She proceeded to where they were and hugged both of them "I will miss both of you" she replied.

She was really going to miss them cause they really kept her company, even though she was sick most of the time.

"Can you people please pause your reunion and come let's get going" he said picking his car keys.

"Yaya you are just jealous because we will not miss you" Khadijah said
"Yes" Amna buttressed.

"And who said I will miss any of you, I'm eager for both of you to go back home, since you came you have been disturbing my wife with excessive talks"

"Anty were we disturbing you" she pointed her question at Noor

"No, who said my favourite people were disturbing me"

"I did, please let's go" he said eagerly

"You are just too eager to kick us out"Amna spoke

"Sis let's go" Khadijah said dragging Amna outside

"Your mean " Noor said teasingly

"Ohh really " he replied

They both also stepped outside, got into the car and Yarima zoomed off.

The car came to a halt "Amna, let's go" she said getting down from the car

Yarima chuckled at her action "Seems like she is still upset"

"Uuuhuum, you have to make it up to her" she replied chuckling.

They came down from the car and proceeded inside the house. They entered the living room and found Hajiyah there.

"Ina kwana Hajiyah " they both greeted squatting down

"Lafiya qalou" she replied with a scowl "Abdul ya kake, ya aiki" she asked

"Lafiya qalou Hajiyah" he answered

"Yawwa maganan mu fah" she asked.

He was hoping she wouldn't bring up the topic but she did. So he kept mute.

"na ma yi wa Tahir magana"
He silently prayed his father refused but knowing the influence Hajiyah had on his father it would be impossible.

"kayi shuru, na aza ya gaya maka shiyasa ka zo, tohh tashi mu je " She and stood up.

All the while Noor was clueless, she didn't know what they were talking about. Noor wondered what was going on but there was no one she could ask.

Hajiyah never really liked her, simply because she was not from a royal family.

He got up and looked at Noor before following Hajiyah.

They went to Baba's part, where they  met Baba, Uncle Kabiru, Mama, Mummy and Ya Arman.

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