21 3 3

Delulu 4

It has been two weeks since Yarima went on a business trip , your probably wondering why I call him Yarima well its because he once told me he loves the way i call him Yarima.

It's 7am and Yarima hasn't still called, he usually calls every morning before 7am, so I called his phone but it was switched off, that's odd because he never switches off his phone just like that without a valid reason.

It is now 12pm and I still can't get through to him, I called numerous times, still switched off.
There is no one I can call to ask of him.I can't ask Mama so I won't blow things out of proportion.

Today is Sakina's baby's naming ceremony yes she gave birth to a cute little baby girl, Ummi called me last week and told me about Sakina's delivery, in excitement I rushed over to the hospital and congratulated the newest mummy.

An hour before the naming ceremony began, we were already there for preparations, the event was to be held at their house, balloons, canopy and decorations have been prepared.

I thought being amongst the crowd and seeing the girls will make me relax cause I was restless, but It didn't help, I kept spacing out.

The event was top notch, Nabeela that's the baby's name had a lot of guests trooping in, everything went well.

Yesterday was hectic but great, today is my presentation and I'm so nervous, I wish Yarima was here to encourage me. My presentation is on Anxiety 'What Is Anxiety ' ohhh I forgot to tell you I am studying human psychology

I kept on calling Yarima but his phone was still switched off okay I can't take it, i couldn't sleep last night and i have  this annoying presentation.

The presentation began, wasn't really paying attention it was my turn blahhh blahhh and done.
"What's wrong" Ummi asked as I took my seat, guess she noticed my off mood
"Nothing" I replied blankly
"Even I noticed your mood" said Yusrah "it's nothing really"
"Okay if you say so " she replied.

The day was over and we were through with lectures. I was at the parking lot looking for Malam Abu but he wasn't there, usually as soon I'm done with lectures he is there

It has been over 30 minutes and the sky looks like it's about to rain, I wanted to call Malam Abu but decided not to, maybe he is stuck in traffic.

Rain started pouring so I left where I was and went under a veranda. Lost in my world of thoughts I didn't hear footsteps walking towards me, till I noticed a figure standing in front of me holding an umbrella.

I looked up WHAT  "You look like you've seen a ghost" the figure said with a victorious smirk. I turned sideways with a scowl.

I started walking in the rain, suddenly an umbrella was held over me, not stopping I kept walking to nowhere.
"Noor, please stop"

"I thought something bad happened to you, your phones were switched off since yesterday" I said feigning anger.
"I didn't mean to make you feel worried" said Yarima
"Please let me go" I pleaded walking away

so picture this i was standing outside, it was raining thankfully not heavily , the road was empty, then a white BMW parked in front of me , the driver rolled down the window i wasn't even hearing what he was saying before I could realise someone grabbed my hand and pulled me , looking up only to meet with those eyes.

We stopped in front a black Bentley, not wanting to protest I got in, he also got in and started driving .
"Why are you being stubborn" I was silent nothing to say "why would you go out under this rain" he added
"Why are you silent"still no answer, infuriated by my reaction he tightened his grip on the steering.

The rest of the drive was silent without anyone uttering a word. We arrived at our destination so I alighted the car and went straight to my room to freshen up, the rain soaked my clothes.

After I was done, I decided to go downstairs, I didn't want to meet Yarima so I tried my best to avoid him, at the last moment, on my way upstairs I came face to face with him . "Noor" he called pulling me towards the couch, I sat down while he bent down in front of me "talk to me" as if waiting i burst into tears weird, okay why am i crying

"Your scaring me please say something"

"I don't even know why I'm crying" I finally said amidst tears "I'm sorry"

Placing a bouquet of roses close to me, i couldn't help but smile it's official his going to be the death of me

"I was going to suprise you when I picked you up for school but you were too busy being stubborn" letting out a little chuckle

"I couldn't reach you since yesterday, I don't know anybody in Germany, I had to wait 48 hours to declare a person missing and even after 48 hours and I report to the police, how is the Nigerian police supposed to find a missing man in Germany.

"In my defence I only turned off my phone because I didn't want you to find out I was coming back early, it was meant to be a suprise"

" Really, what if I had a heart attack"he shrugged
"You are unbelievable am going to sleep, good night " I stood up not listening to what he was saying he was busy laughing.

Fourth chapter down.
Please this is purely a work of fiction and imagination.
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