Chapter 1

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The man who I cherished... the man I have been loyal to for years... the man I thought was husband material left me hanging like it was nothing. That thought just made you even more upset. I couldn't believe how stupid I was to ever trust someone like him. As he watched me walk out of his house, all he could think about was that woman on his arm. He didn't even glance back.

As the taxi took me home, I couldn't help but cry even harder... the memories... it all came rushing back. He told me he loved me and that I was the only one and all those promises we made. Now he's out there enjoying himself. It was a lie. All of it was a lie.

When the taxi stopped in front of my house, right now all I wanted was to forget about him so, i didn't get off the taxi.

"Could you drop me off at a bar? Any bar"

I asked the driver, The taxi driver nodded. He could see how broken I was just by that one demand to drop me off at a bar. It seemed like my night was only going to get worse. The taxi driver sped down the streets as I kept on wiping away my tears.

The taxi finally reached a nearby bar. I didn't even mind the extra charge on my trip. I just wanted to get myself drunk enough so I won't need to think. I took out my wallet and prepared to pay for whatever drink I was going to have that night.

I sat down at the corner of a bar, a bit far away from the crowd. I ordered a whole bottle of gin and immediately took a sip. The alcohol stung my throat but I didn't care if it would kill me that night. I just wanted the pain to go away... if only for a second. After a few more drinks and tears, the bartender finally approached me. Everyone has left the bar and it was time for the bar to close but I was too drunk to even notice.

The bartender looked at me and asked if everything was okay. I couldn't manage to answer because of the way I was bawling...I was too drunk to even function. All I wanted to do was forget about the man who betrayed me and how stupid I was to trust him. I looked up at the bartender and shook my head, implying that nothing was okay. The bartender could tell I was a little tipsy so he told me he was going to cut off my supplies. I tried to argue, even getting a little aggressive but the bartender took firm control.

I grabbed the hand of the bartender, my cheeks were damp from all the crying and all red from how drunk I was.

"Don't take that away from me too...."

The bartender hesitated, noticing my pitiful look. However, he didn't budge. He reminded me that he had to cut off your supplies because of the way I was acting right now. He pulled his hand back and went back to the counter, but I got up and grabbed his arm, pleading him to let me keep drinking.


I kept my grip on his i got closer to him trying to see his face but I was too drunk to see his face clearly but i noticed that he was the same height as Alton, a little taller but my mind just thought that maybe it was because I wasn't wearing my heels as I was wearing a jeans, white shirt, a jacket and shoes and clearly I was too intoxicated.

The bartender raised an eyebrow. He was a little confused about the way I was acting right now. He kept quiet as he stared at me. He knew the only reason I called him that was because of the level of drunkenness I was currently at.

i hugged the bartender thinking he was Alton.

"you came back"

I I hugged him more tightly.

The bartender froze as soon as I hugged him. He wasn't sure what he should do in this situation so he just stayed quiet, continuing to let me hug him. He didn't push me away, yet I didn't seem to let him go. My sobbing continued as more tears dripped down my cheeks, making a mess of my already stained clothes and disheveled hair.

After a few more seconds, he gently pushed me away. Even with me being this drunk right now, he couldn't take advantage of the situation and pretend he was something he wasn't. Instead of leaving, however, he sat down in front of me. He could understand how I felt right now. After all, someone I trusted betrayed me, and right now I have got nothing but alcohol as my friend. He listened to my sobs as he kept a stoic expression.

i wiped my tears....away from my cheeks I looked at him

"Promise me you won't ever
leave me again, Alton"

I said as I stretched out my pinky finger for him to promise me, but I was so drunk that i didn't know that he was not Alton.

He wanted to make things better for me, but he also knew that saying something false would only make me hurt more. He kept a neutral expression as his brown eyes stared at me. He wanted to comfort me, to make this nightmare of a night go away. However, he knew there was nothing he could do at this point.

When I noticed him staring at me...even though I couldn't clearly see his face, I could feel that he was feeling bad for me, i didn't even think twice as i leaned in forward and kissed him.

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