chapter 3

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Her arms wrapped around his neck as she kissed me with a fiery passion, a spark that was unexpected yet I seemed to enjoy it.

But... why? I was frustrated at myself for taking advantage of her situation..., yet something about her lips on mine seemed to excite me in a way that only made me kiss her back more passionately. I returned the kiss, wrapping my arms around her waist as my  tongue explored her mouth. I hadn't felt something like this in a long time so I decided to savor every single second.

Her grip around my neck grew tighter as we continued to make out. I could see that her head was spinning in a pleasant way, despite the alcohol in her system but that just turned me on even more. I was taking my time with the kiss, exploring every inch of her lips with my tongue. I moved my hand on her back now, rubbing her skin in a gentle way that added to the sensation of our bodies pressed together against each other.

The more our bodies pressed against each other the hotter it felt. It was a new kind of heat, one that made my heart thump wildly in my chest. I felt her  begin to breathe heavily as our lips met  once again, this time a bit more passionate than before. The way I touched her and the way she was reacting to all my touches....I was sure i made her  body tremble with the tingles of desire.

My hands made their way up to the small of her back, i smirked when I felt her shivers under my hands. My chest was pressed up against hers as the heat grew more and more intense.


The sound of her moan only made me smirk wider. I realized that the name that she kept on mentioning was of the man who had betrayed her. I understood what that implied, but instead of feeling any sad or angry emotions, my smirk only grew wider as I felt myself turn on ever more. I wanted to keep the moment going rather than ruining it by telling the truth. My fingers traced the edges of her back, sending shivers down her spine. My hand squeezed the small of her back as I pulled her in closer, so that our bodies were practically intertwined.

The tightness of our bodies pressing against each other brought a new wave of sensation. I could hear my  breathing becoming more rapid and my heart thumped faster. I heard her moaned once more as if she is telling me how good it felt, which only seemed to make me smirk wider. My hand squeezed her back even more aggressively, which increased the tingles that danced down her spine.  I move my fingers  down, running down her spine.

Her soft moan only seemed to energize me as my hands moved down to her hips. My kisses slowly worked their way down to her neck, leaving soft bites on her sensitive skin. With each sensation that went through her body, her moan grew louder. The heat between us was growing more intense with each passing moment.

I grabbed her legs and wrapped them around my waist and she didn't even protest

I slowly lifted her in my arms. I felt her lean her head back as my strong arms cradled her. She was still somewhat drunk so all she could do was accept her situation as I started walking with her in my arms, I kept kissing her neck gently. She was still under the impression that I was Alton by how intoxicated she was she had no idea where I was  taking her right now. I held her close in his arms as she was half asleep. The heat between us was getting more intense, making both of our bodies sweat.

Her legs were still wrapped tightly around my waist as I carried her. I kept on kissing her neck as she leaned back, her neck exposed for my lips to explore. I took my time kissing her soft throat, my lips teasing her skin each time my tongue brushed by. I took her sweet scent that tempted me and made me eager to take things even further. I moved my hands down her thighs as i gripped them tight.

When I reached my bedroom, i gently laid her down on the bed, but from her expression i could see that she was still too intoxicated to even know where we were, my smirk simply grew at that.

I moved her legs aside as I climbed onto the bed on top of her as I was now sitting between her legs....i leaned in lips only inches away from her neck.

Her voice again called out the name of the man who betrayed her. She was still under the impression that I was him, so each time  she said his name she thought I would reply. However, the only response she got was more kisses from me as I wrapped my arms around her small and fragile body.

My body was pressed tight against hers as my hand slid under the back of her  shirt as i slowly started to lift it upwards..., I kept kissing and nibbling on her neck...while I pinned her down on the bed as i moved my hands...and started unbuttoning her shirt... I rolled her over as she was now lying prone on the bed, her back facing towards me...making it easy to take her shirt off more....after it was completely off of her body I threw it on the floor leaving her back exposed with only her bra.

I leaned in forward...towering her from behind...I kissed the nape of her neck... gently..but...i stopped when I saw her eyes closed, she fell asleep?! I pulled away as I sighed and got up from the bed leaving her unconscious body on the bed, taking advantage of someone who was unconscious was the last thing I want to do, I pulled the blanket on her small body as she curled up in a ball in her sleep.

Who the hell are you....

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