Chapter 6

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I slowly opened your eyes as I awoke to a dreadful sight. My legs and hands were tied to a chair in an unknown room. The room was dusty and damp, with water leaking from one of the corners. The walls were covered in mold and mildew, which made it all the more ominous.

As I was still getting adjusted to the surroundings, I heard footsteps slowly approaching me from the darkness. The footsteps drew closer until a man emerged from the darkness, his ugly face marred by a huge scar that ran from his nose down to his chin.

The man in front of me spoke, his voice sharp and cold, with a hint of cruelty and malice in it. He held a knife in one hand, I felt his blade  pressed against my throat just when I opened my mouth to speak.
my eyes widened in shock...and fear.

"I am the only one who gets to talk, you are my prisoner, you can't talk as long as I don't give you the permission to" 

My heart was pounding in my chest as I sat silently, unable to move from fear. I had no choice but to remain silent as he towered over me, his knife just inches away from my neck.

"Enjoy your stay" said that man with a scar on his face, he seemed like the boss of the gang...he only smiled at me and that was one of the most ugliest smiles i have ever seen in my life, which only proves the quote that "every smile is beautiful" wrong, he turned around and left the room, leaving me inside of the room all tied up to the chair, confusion took over me as i kept thinking why did they kidnapped me? And who told them to kidnap me? Was it Alton? Or they were just some organ traffickers or human traffickers or even worse.

Confusion was now starting to turn into panic as I started to struggle against the ropes that tied me to the chair. I had to escape from here somehow before they came back, but I couldn't loosen the ropes one bit. The situation was becoming even more grim as I thought of the possibilities of what could happen to me. My body started trembling as my mind was consumed with fear. Every minute spent here was making the situation worse and worse. I had to escape before they came back but then again I found myself asking.

What could I even do...?

I kept shaking the chair as I tried to loosen the ropes, yet every movement I made was useless. My struggle was in vain as the ropes wouldn't come off. My body was trembling in fear as my heart rate increased. The longer the wait for the men to return, the more scared I got as I kept picturing the worst-case scenarios. There was a good chance they were going to come back and they could hurt me in the worst possible ways.

I don't know for how many hours I have been tied up in this room for, I am exhausted and i haven't eaten anything since last night, my life felt like those
nightmares that i don't seem to remember when I wake up but this time it was all real and how much I wanted this to be one of those nightmares but then again it wasn't.

I am losing my hope and matter how many times i ask them as to why they had kidnapped me, they never answer.

They keep asking me about some guy named "Walter" but even though I have told them thousands of times that I don't know k him, they refuse to believe me and every time I don't answer them, a new bruise can be seen on my body mostly on my face.

I don't know what they expect me to tell them about the guy named "Walter" and to be honest I am even tired of keep telling them that I don't know  him. But one thing is for sure, if I find that person idk about these men if they will kill him or not but I am so gonna kill him myself, because of him i am here and because of him I am suffering.

"Hey, little Miss broken heart"

I opened my eyes when i heard someone with a voice coming from beside me, and i saw a man tied up in a chair just like me.

"Are you my new roommate?"
I said with an exhausted voice but with a hint of playfulness as i let out a small tired laugh, maybe i was feeling a little better after finding someone in the same situation as me, I know that's not how I should feel but maybe that's just me.

"Why did they kidnapped you?"

I asked him, not really knowing what to talk about, my voice was all croaky, I looked at him and saw that he was... smiling?

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