Chapter 8

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When I pulled away from the kiss, I saw the disappointment in her face, which was currently redder than an apple, and the sound of her panting as she was trying to catch her breath..... I swear to fucking god that is now my favorite music of all time, how I loved it when she glared at me with those rage full eyes with a bit of lust in them.

Even though She was glaring at me, it was clear that she wanted more by the way she reacted when I kissed her and as much as I wanted to continue..., I wasn't going to give her what she wanted so easily, well of course as long as she does not tell me by herself that she wants me to continue.

I can read her like a book and was clearly aware of what she wants, I will not do it though, because the feeling of her submitting to me on her own...just turns me on  and if just thinking about it makes me like this then what would happen if she were to actually submit to me on her own... I could feel a smirk forming in my face.

"I am sure you have got lots of questions"

I again leaned in forward, but I was still maintaining a distance as I rested my head on my hand as I admired her body and everything…her hypnotizing eyes and her juicy lips and I remember what they taste like a taunting smile form on my lips and the way she tried to lean back only made it grew wider, god I love teasing her....making her scare of me while her body is begging for my touch...and it's so fucking addictive just like her lips....and her body.

"Cat got your tongue. Mi Luna?"

I asked her when she...went all silent, was she too scared to even speak? Or was she thinking of something? I stretched my hands forward and gently caressed her cheek again, I let out a frustrated sigh ... frustrated that just one touch and my dick is ready to fill her inside.

But no I don't want to do anything that she does not like, I am not a fucking someone who rape others for only fun, I know I have shredded blood and cut off heads and even tortured...and I admit I might be a sadist, but I would never hurt her physically or emotionally...she is...

Just when I was lost in my own world of thoughts about her, she looked at me, and she said something that made me annoyed.

"Tell me, Alton told you to do this kidnapping, no?"

"Alton? Your boyfriend?" I asked her my voice now with a slightly annoyed tone, to find that she was thinking about someone else while I was with her.... It just made me want her more to make her mine and mine only, to fill her body and mind full of me and no one else.

"So Alton did hire-"

"no one hires me, no one can, I am my own Boss" I cut her off as I got up from the chair and walked towards the door and opened it, I stopped on my tracks, I looked back at her over my shoulder.


I threw a knife on the ground and left without saying anything any further, I was ma-...jealous.

On my way out of the building, I saw Luke and his man outside the building with the car ready.

"Luke, bring Alton to me, make sure he doesn't get hurt, if he gets even a scratch on his body, I will kill you myself"

I ordered him as I got in the car and left.
I left a car outside the building for Ariane and told my men to watch over her but make sure to not let her find them, or the body of her kidnappers.



I greet the man that was sitting on the opposite side of the table in my office with a furious yet scared expression, I love to smell the fear of others but this time....for this man I only had hatred, because Ariane was thinking of him when we were together...and he hurt her, while two of my men held him tight, I pass him a glass of wine.

"The fuck do you want from me?!"

He asked me and threw the glass of wine on the floor, I only smirked, he was already so scared that his words were trembling, and his body was acting on its own.

"Two words, Ariane Williams"

I saw him make a shocked face with a mix of confusion for a split second before he sat down on the chair. Which only made me more curious about their relationship.

"Never heard of that name"

He lied even though it was clear in his face that he was lying.I could see that he hated her by the way he reacted upon hearing her name, and it was enough to make me angry but stayed firm.

Even a three-year-old can lie better than him.

"I know that she used to be your girlfriend, there is no use lying, last night she was here in my bar crying her eyes out while getting drunk, and she kissed me thinking that I was you"

I wanted to see how he would react, but he only spit on the ground and then looked over the corner of the room before opening his mouth to say something.

"That bitch deserves to be alone, she was useless, not able to earn a fucking penny, and about her kissing you, I don't give a shit about that, but I think you should pay her for kissing you" He smirked as he said such things to Ariane as he continued.

"I have told her so many times that she would be able to make good money with her body, but she refused every time" Now my blood was boiling... I grabbed the table that was in between us, I don't know what I would have done to him if it wasn't there. My jaw clenched tight as I heard him continue to trash talk about Ariane.

"How much are you willing to pay for her to be in your bed?" And that was it, I threw the table away that was the only thing that was preventing me from killing him right now right here. I grabbed his throat as I pinned him against the wall, I saw him struggling.

"Don't you dare talk about her like that"

I warned him, giving him the deadliest glare ever, I could see him trembling.

"Of course if you don't have a dead wish"

I said before dropping him on the floor, making him groan in pain while he was trying to catch his breath.

"Who the fuck are you an-"

Before he could complete his sentence, My fist flew right at his face, causing his nose to bleed as he stayed on the floor crying in pain.

I grabbed a fistful of his hair and lifted his head up and whispered in his ear.

"Stay away from Ariane and never come back in her life again, you are lucky that I am not making you disappear from this world...and disrespect her again and I promise you that I will fucking kill yo-" I paused.

"No, first I will torture you and then I will kill you"

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