Chapter 10

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"I am not someone to be mess with, remember tha-"

Just when I was about to punch him once again, my phone rang, it was one of the men who was watching over Ariane.

"What?" I asked as I let go of Alton.

"She didn't take the car" was all my men said, I couldn't help but smile.

 "So fucking smart" I thought to myself, being proud of her being so cautious but at the same time worried that she will be all alone in that place.

"Okay, keep your eyes on her, if something happens to her, you all are dead"

I cut off the call and dialed Luke's number and told him to pick her up, as much as I wanted to go on my own and pick her up, I couldn't because she knows what I look like, and I am sure she wouldn't get on a car if she saw me she is smart but clumsy at the same time and that's so fucking adorable.

I sighed in frustration that was building up inside me, I looked at the man who was on the floor trying to stop his nose from bleeding, my face full of disgust upon seeing the man.

"Get out of here, or do you plan on keeping dirtying my floor with that filthy butt of yours?"

He only looked up at me, his face a mix of fear and rage, but it was clear that this man is nothing but a wimp. I turned around and waved my hands, my men got the signal and took him out.

I ran my hand through my hair as I walked towards my study room, I couldn't stop thinking about her, my mind filled with her thoughts, her lips. I shook my head to avert my thoughts away from her, but it was no use I kept finding my mind going back to her thoughts, …her lips, …her curves....


I could feel the bulge in my pants growing, it was painful, so painful that my body wanted to release the tension, but I think that masturbation is just what losers do, and never in my life before i had to do anything like this but fuck this is painful as hell, not able to touch her.

I caressed the bulge, small groans escaping my lips I sped up the movement as I thought of her, her soft skin and those naturally red lips of her and her moans.

"Fuck Ariane!"

I moaned her name loudly as I finally released, I looked at my hand covered on my own load.

"Disgusting" I took a tissue paper and cleaned my hands, suddenly my phone rang again, it was Luke.

"I just dropped her off at the bus station, our men are watching over her, she should be fine now" Luke reported, I sighed in relief as I sat down on the chair in my study room.

"Good, Have you found out who was the one responsible for the kidnapping?" I asked him with a cold tone.

"No, I am still working on it of course it was one of your enemies, we just don't know the reason why they did that, it seems like they paid them cash, so there is no transaction history on their bank account history"I could hear him typing in his laptop, I pinched the bridge of my nose as I leaned back on my chair.

"Don't tell me you are typing in your laptop while driving?"

"Of course not, I am at my house, I found out that it was not that far away from her building" He told me in a teasing tone, I swear to fucking god if he was here I would have killed him for teasing me like that.

"What are you trying to do, Luke?" I said with a hint of warning in my voice.

"I am just messing with you please don't kill me" His small laugh could be heard through the phone, making me roll my eyes, but my eyes lit up when he stopped laughing and told me the thing that I wanted to hear him say.

"I will send you her building address"

I couldn't help but smirk at that, it's not like I can't find her address on my own. But Luke already knows her address and that just saves my time, and I can see her again right away.


It's so fucking cold here, I am on the rooftop of a building that is near Ariane's apartment, I saw her got out of the shower, and I am fucking going to start pray to the God and thank The God for making her this fucking gorgeous, Her curves are even more visible with only a towel covering her body.

After she got dressed up, I saw her call someone, and I am sure she is trying to call Alton, but I doubt that he will pick up because I made sure that he wouldn't even think about her, I couldn't help but smirk when I saw her got angry at her phone, which only meant that I was right.

I took my own phone and dialed her number, of course I made Luke get her number too with her address.

"Hello?" I heard her through the phone and Jesus fucking Christ, I could listen to her all day without getting bored, I only smirked and stayed quiet, I could hear her angry noises at me not replying her, I cut off the call when she was about to ask me who I was for second time, it's not like I don't want to listen her talk more second and the bulge on my pant would have exploded.

I almost got angry at myself for getting turned on by just hearing her voice, it would be so easy to just go to her apartment and fuck her hard but no, the consequences of that one action..., I don't even want to think about that. I only sighed in frustration, and then I moved my gaze back to her and saw that she was asleep.

I stayed there and watched her sleep for 2 more hours and then suddenly I got a call from Luke.

"Let me guess, it was Taylor?"

I said before he could say anything, but I could feel him nod his head, he sighed before confirming.


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