Chapter 2

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I was serving customers their drink as always, then I saw a woman enter my bar.


when I was about to welcome her, she took out her wallet and slammed the money on the counter table as she ordered a bottle of gin and saw her taking a sip immediately after I brought her the drink.

She took one sip and then two and then several sips i served others i couldn't help but find my gaze on her everytime she took a sip, I was thinking maybe she just broke up with her boyfriend or something, I mean judging from the way she was drinking so much and her crying made my assumption more valid.

Everyone was gone as it was now time for the bar to close but Little Miss broken heart was still there, chugging on her drink faster, it was clear that she was drunk, so I decided to approach her, to be honest I wanted to ask her to leave but instead I ask something I never thought I would.

"Miss, is everything okay?"

While my face had a stoic expression, I was shocked at what I had just said, as I am not the type to care for a stranger yet a stranger who is drunk and bawling their eyes out, I couldn't help but wonder why I was even talking to her instead of kicking her out of my bar, but then i noticed her shake her head, indicating that she is telling me that nothing was okay.

My eyes moved towards her face, and it was clear that she was drunk, for some reason I felt irritated by how red her face was from being so intoxicated and then again I find myself wondering why did it even mattered and why it has such an effect on me, as I am the type who is able to put his emotions in check.

"You are drunk, any more alcohol is not good for your body so, I am taking these away"

I said as I was still wearing my stoic expression, I took her bottles of gin away from her as it could be dangerous and can be deathly if she got anymore alcohol in her body that was already so intoxicated. She tried to argue and got a little aggressive when I took her glass away too but i remained firm.

When I was about to walk away with her bottles of gin, I felt her grip on my hand...and damn her hands were so small compare to mine and the softness of her hand...was making me want to squeeze her hand in mine but i restrained myself from doing that...I heard her telling me not to take her bottles of gin away from her "too" I hesitated at first seeing her pitiful look, but I was a professional and of course I couldn't let a woman die in my bar because of over intoxication. So, i reminded her that too much alcohol is not good for her body, as much as I wanted to hold her soft hands more and squeeze it..i pulled away my hand from her as I walked back to the counter.

When I was feeling all these weird emotions, i suddenly felt her grab my arm as she pleaded for me to let her drink more...and damn when she pleaded with that innocent drunken face of her while gripping my arm tight, I can't even tell  how much I loved it when she did that, I didn't even bother try to separate my arm from her small hand even thought I felt her grip tighten a bit.

I heard her called me by a name, my brows raised in curiosity, maybe it was her lover or maybe ex, I mean for a girl to drink alone in a bar while crying her eyes out would only mean that he had broken up with her. But I didn't say anything, i don't know why I decided to just stay silent and stare at her instead of telling her that I wasn't who she thought I was, maybe it was because I knew that it would be a waste to try and explain anything to a  drunk person.

When I was trying to see how much drunk she is, she suddenly pressed her body on mine, hugging me eyes widened in surprise form the sudden action and I froze in my place.

I didn't know what I should do so I just stayed quiet and let her hug me but I never hugged her back despite the fact that my arms were so tempted to pull her in a tightest hug ever and I didn't even know why I wanted to do something like that.

Soon she started sobbing again, i stared at her face for a while as she cried her eyes out and i noticed that she was not even wearing any make up, maybe I expected her make up to be ruined by her tears.

After a few more seconds of her crying, i pushed her away from me gently, making sure not to make her think that i was leaving her or maybe let her think "Alton" was leaving her again.

I saw her calm down a bit when I was being gentle with her, i didn't want to take advantage of her vulnerability but as much as I wanted to tell that I was not Alton for some weird reason I couldn't do it as I stayed quiet and sat down in front of her,  when she told me not to leave her again or told "Alton" to not leave her again, i couldn't help myself from feeling the want to protect her and make her nightmare go away, I kept my stare on her as i stayed quiet so that she wouldn't know that i was not Alton.

I shouldn't get involved with her but..there is something....

When I was lost in my own thoughts, I saw her leaned forward and pressed her lips on mine.

I instinctively leaned back but I quickly recovered from the surprise. A kiss. I didn't see that coming. Was this an impulse she had due to the intoxication? I didn't know. Right now all I could think about was how she seemed to have mistaken me for someone else. I wanted to stop her while I still could, yet my lips met hers even if I was hesitant.

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