Chapter 5

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The bartender was overwhelmed with emotions as he had a sudden realization that the kidnapping might be caused by his actions. Being a Mafia boss meant that he has a lot of enemies who would do anything to get to him. The men who kidnapped her might've thought that she was his lover and that if they had her, they could easily blackmail him or force him to do something to save her. He felt extremely guilty for everything that was happening right now, especially because his enemies could harm her in the worst possible way.

The bartender was now thinking about the possibility of a mob war being the reason behind her kidnapping. He had heard stories about powerful groups who would go to extreme lengths in order to secure their place in society. He was now worried that she had become a pawn in a much more dangerous conflict. He felt guilty as he believed his actions had put her into this situation. He felt like he was the cause of a situation that could result in her death. He was now trapped with a lot of mixed emotions such as fear, anger, sadness and guilt.

He was now dealing with enemies who could not be easily tracked down. He had only one choice to save her and that was to wait for a call from the kidnappers.That they would definitely call him eventually since they would want something from him.

And just as expected after four hours of Ariane's kidnapping he got a call from them, telling him to come to an unknown location and of course alone.

Without any second thoughts, he took his car keys and started the engine and drove to the location.

When he reached the location, he saw that she was not with them....

"Where is she?"
He asked them but they didn't say anything, they only signaled me to come forward, he could see from his peripheral that there were four men standing with their gun pointed at him and two more in front of him.

"Turn around" one of the men standing in front of him commanded in a stoic tone, he followed his command and did as he said while he was thinking of how he could kill him later in the cruelest possible way, he only grinned when he felt them tying up his hands on his back, but he didn't protest and his grin only got wider when they blind folded him.

They took him with them, one thing he noticed that they were taking him to somewhere underground, he also noticed how smelly the place was.

They all were talking in some different language with each other, he couldn't understand them but his ears perked up when they heard them mention Ariane's name. We walked for a while and then they put him down on a chair and removed the blue fold, his eyes took some seconds to adjust to the light, and there was a man sitting right in front of me with a nasty scar on his face, he was ugly and that scar only made his face worse, he only grinned when the man slid a paper on the table towards him.

"Oh, I see"

He jerked his head towards his hand that was tied up behind him, indicating them to untie his hands so that he could sign anything that they wanted him to sign.

Suddenly the men beside him fall down on the floor now with a hole in their head, His smirk only grew when the man infront of him was trembling in fear while looking behind him.

"Luke, what took you so long?"

He asked the person behind him as he watched the body of the man with the scar go limb in front of him, his head now matching with the other two men whose body was unconscious beside him as the bullet penetrated through his forehead, some blood splattered on him face, his smirked now replaced with a frown.

"Why the fuck did you came here alone!!?"

Luke asked him with a really angry tone as he walked towards him and untied his hands and gave him a handkerchief. Luke was scolding him for being reckless as he clean the blood off his face.

He smirked as he handed the now bloody handkerchief back to Luke.

"Hmm, there is still one more thing I want you to do Luke"

"Tie me up"

He smirked at Luke, leaving Luke and his other men in confusion.

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