Chapter 4

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He looked down at the unconscious body that was lying on the bed. Her face was too attractive to leave without getting to know her. He decided to look through her pockets to find an answer, even though the more he thought about it, the more he realized how wrong this was. He couldn't help but notice how attractive her body looked in that state as he pulled out her cell phone out from her pocket.

He took her hand as he used her fingerprint to unlock her phone. The process was easy and her phone was now unlocked. He could go through it to find out who she was, yet he was hesitant about it. A part of him wanted to respect her privacy while the other part wanted to know her identity ASAP. He was curious as to who she was.

He finally decided to start going through her phone, scrolling through your messages as well as your gallery. There were texts from your friends and family, but there were also pictures of her. Her body looked so beautiful in those pictures, even when she was intoxicated.

The bartender left the bedroom and was now on his laptop in a different room, hacking her phone. He had seen a lot of people pass out from drinking too much yet he never tried to take advantage of them. The fact that he got involved with her left him feeling conflicted, so he was curious about who she was. He hoped he would find something that could answer that question.

He connected her phone to his laptop with a cable and used specialized hacking software to get inside her phone. The process took a bit of time but eventually he got into her phone and was able to access all of her information. He started off basic by looking at her address book and other standard features that would allow him to know her better. He hoped to learn her name as well as other information that would help him decide if the actions he had done so far were still justified.

The bartender's expression softened a bit when he saw her name display on the screen, a hint of happiness showing on his face. Her name was Ariane? He kept thinking about how her name was also so beautiful just like her.

"Ariane Williams"

He whispered to himself as he kept smiling.
Although the situation he was involved in was highly inappropriate, her name alone made him want to know more about her.

This was the first time in a while he felt such strong attraction for someone else, even though his emotions were still conflicted.

His thoughts were interrupted by a loud noise that came from his bedroom where her unconscious body was laid down.He quickly ran towards his bedroom but...he stopped.

"One step, and she dies"

The bartender was caught off guard by the sudden appearance of three unknown men. The man in front of him had a knife pointed straight at Ariane's throat as he was warned not to move or she would be killed. Even though she was passed out drunk,  she was still at risk. The bartender's heart started pounding fast as he looked at the men, trying to think of a way to get out of this situation. He raised his hands in a sign of surrender, as it was the only smart move he could make when her life was on that man's hand.

His mind struggled with trying to take in a solution as he remained in place, staring at the man with the knife.

I stood in place not even a single inch, then I saw them inject something in her body which i assume was something like anesthesia.

Her breathing began to slow down as the anesthesia kicked in, keeping her asleep. The bartender had no choice but to watch as they injected her with the anesthesia before they put the needle away. Her body finally relaxed as her blood pressure lowered, keeping her in a deep sleep.

She was now completely helpless as she stayed in the hands of the three unknown men . He was still frozen in place, not able to move because of the threat against her life, but he couldn't take his eyes off her unconscious body.

They picked her up and carried her out of the house without a problem as the bartender could do nothing but watch. His eyes were glued to her the whole time as he watched her unconscious body leave his sight. His mind was stuck in a state of anger and fear of her getting killed as he wasn't sure what to do. He wanted to follow and help her but he knew that it could make the situation worse and put her in even more danger. He had to let her go, but he swore to himself that no matter what he would save her.

He watched as the men put her in a car which then drove away. She was now gone and the house was now empty. Everything that had happened felt too surreal to truly believe that it actually happened. He couldn't believe that someone actually kidnapped her right in front of him with the threat of her life. The bartender was filled with a mix of emotions. Concern, fear, sadness and anger all swirled around in his head as he thought about every possible way to kill all of them.

The bartender immediately called his men as soon as their car left his presence. He was furious that someone would have the audacity to kidnap someone right in front of his eyes, and he was not going to let it slide. He memorized the car's plate number as he gave the command to track it down. However, the men who had kidnapped her weren't some simple thugs, so he expected them to change the car's plate number once they knew they were being tracked.

Wait for me...

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