Chapter 11

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It's been fucking 9 days since that weird kidnapping, I was paranoid that they must still be out there looking for me, so I never left my apartment, but I had to go out to tell the police about the kidnapping but because of lack of evidence, since I wasn't even gone for 24 hours they did not even bother to investigate, fucking corruption everywhere.

One week, one fucking week I could not even step out of my apartment without getting paranoid of them finding me again.

No one believes me, I know that no one believes me.

I was even convinced that maybe I imagined all of that, the kidnapping and that.....strange man..., my friends also said that maybe it was because I was extra sensitive that day as I found out that Alton was cheating on me and of course I went to a bar to get forget about him and the pain.

And I admit that I was so intoxicated that I don't even remember what exactly happened that night, it all seems blurry no matter how hard I try to remember...but for some reason I feel...all...warm when I try to think about that night.

Things weren't making sense, everything felt like I was dreaming, as days went by everything started to seem like I was still in a dream.

But one day, I heard my doorbell ring, and that was when I knew that all of those things that happened were not a dream.

Upon opening the door I saw a bouquet of Lotus. I was confused because it didn't have any notes or anything with it, I was scared thinking maybe they have found me....or maybe these flowers were from Alton.?

But then again, I was 100000% sure that they weren't from them because that jerk wasn't even picking up his calls, I tried to contact him for God knows how many times I don't even remember the times I have.

It's been 4 days now and every day there were flowers outside my doorsteps.

The first day it was Lotus and on the second day there was a bouquet of hydrangeas and on the third day it was Lavender and's Roses.

And the weirdest part is that there is no record of anyone putting the flowers on my doorstep in the CCTV footage of my apartment when I went to check.

First the kidnapping incident and now these flowers... I don't feel safe in my own apartment, so I called my friend so that I could go over to her house, but I was still paranoid that the kidnappers were still outside, but I couldn't call them over at my place because one thing is for sure that it isn't safe here, not when I am getting flowers from an anonymous someone.

The 10th day arrived, and I couldn't sleep last night at all, I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me all the time, I don't know maybe I am just being paranoid again, but then suddenly my doorbell rang...and it was freaking 5 in the morning.

I opened the door and... nothing, there was no one or any flowers this time and that just fueled my fear of leaving my apartment more, I quickly shut the door and locked it.

I didn't know what to do, my mind started thinking every possible way someone could break into my apartment and kidnap me or worse kill me, but my friend might come here to find me as I told her that I was going to come over at her house for some days.

I panicked and ran towards my bedroom and locked it, I took my phone and started calling random contacts, I was too scared to even realize what I was doing.

Suddenly, my phone rang before I could even dial anyone's number...and it was an unknown number, but I didn't even care to look at it and picked up the call.

"Help! Someone is here in my house!" I screamed.

"No one is there" said the voice on the call.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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