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My head hurt like crazy. Where was I?
It felt hot down here... Not uncomfortably hot, but different enough from Heaven's temperature perfection.

Wait..., fucking gun fire, and screaming. this must be Hell...
and I'm swearing more than normal too, which was hardly ever... I fell less restrained, like I can do whatever I want...

And as I started to remember what happend I got up and looked around and said outloud. "Yep this is Hell"

"Hey there! Are you new??" someone said with a voice that sounded way to cheery for a sinner.
"Uh yeah... " I slowly turned around. A pretty demon girl stood in front of me, she had long blonde hair that was tied back in a bubble braid kind of style. She wore a read suit, and had little fangs. She kinda looked like Lucifer...
Shit Lucifer, he cant find me down here!

"Hey, you good?" she waved a hand in my face because I had zoned out.
"Yeah, sorry, do you happen to know a place for me to stay?" I questioned.
"Yes actually! Convient for you to run into me! I own a hotel!"
she was right, that was convient...
"okay perfect, lead the way!"

As we walked to her hotel, i looked around at my new home... This was certainly an... interesting... place to live.
"Okay, were here!" she said.
"The Hazbin Hotel..." I whispered to myself reading the sign. "Oh shoot", i said realising something, "I have no money!"
"Oh it's okay! You can stay here rent free! This hotel is my idea for a way to redeam sinners, and get them too Heaven! Would you like to join the program?" she said, her eyes glistening with excitement. She really did look like Lucifer.

"Uh, well, I'm not so sure Heaven is going to be on board with this..."
"How can you know for sure! You've never met an angel! And you've never
been to Heaven!" she said so blissfully unaware of who I truely was. I mean I love her idea, its so wholesome and sweet that she wants to help Lucifer's people, but it seems unrealistic. I'd play along for now though, because even if I'm a FALLEN angel, she might not trust me. Considering the circumstances with the exterminations...

"Your right, sorry, I'd love to!"
"Great! OH! right I almost forgot, what's your name?" she looked at me with curiosity.
"Y/n" I said, shaking her hand
"No last name?" she looked a little puzzled. Shit.

"Uh no. In my time on earth I was a drug dealer, couldn't have a last name, could've gotten me caught. I never did the drugs though, I only sold them because I was broke, I didn't want to, and at times I just wanted to die and give up, but then I always thought mabey things would get better, they never really did, but I know I'm not completely at faut and don't feel as bad because I was doing it to survive." I lied. How I came up with that, i had no clue.

"oh, Im so sorry that happened to you..." she said. Now i felt pretty bad for lying, but she can't have any chance of knowing who I am, I just don't think I can trust her with my last name yet.

"Can I get you anything? Like a water or?" she asked.
"I'll take a water yea." I said looking around. This place looked to be in pieces. I could help her renovate.
"Here ya go" she handed me a water bottle.
"You never told me your name you know." I said taking a swig of water.
"Oh yeah sorry, the name's Charlie! Charlie Morningstar"
Immediately, I nearly choked on my water.
"You ok?" she asked concerned.
"eghehm, yeah" i said, clearing my throat.

"Do you know my last name is famous or something?"
Fucking duh, i said to myself. I'm in love with your father! Wait what if this is like a second wife of his? No, it can't be, she looks to much like him... with qualities I remember from Lilith aswell.

"Are you the princess of Hell?" I carefully questioned.
"Yes, I am. You know, not all earthlings know that our last name is Morningstar when they first get to Hell." she said surprised.
"Well, I'm part of the small percentage I guess." I forced a laugh.

I REALLY had to be careful now. I was staying in Lucifer's DAUGHTER'S hotel...

Charlies POV:
This girl look familiar. And i swear I've heard her name before. But I can't put my finger on it. My dad knows every sinner who enters Hell, I could ask him later.

A/n: NOTICE, Y/N ISN'T A TRUE SINNER! THEY THREW HER IN HELL FOR DOING THE RIGHT THING! So That means Luci, dont know squat about us entering Hell, especially since it wasn't through death and then strait to the firery pit.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍 | Lucifer Morningstar x Reader {Hazbin Hotel}Where stories live. Discover now