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I got into this dress I bought yesterday when Letty, Ramsey and I went out shopping for dresses for the party this afternoon. I felt so awkward. I haven't worn a dress since... forever to be honest. 

I looked at the time and noticed I was running late. "Shit" I rushed out of the apartment building and ran towards the building. I quickly got into the elevator and waited. "Has anyone seen Emma yet?" Brian spoke through the ear piece we all had. 

"I'm here. Sorry I lost track of time" I apologised. "It's okay, as long as you're here" Dom encouraged. I was almost at the level where the party was held until the elevator stopped. I looked confused. The elevator doors opened and there stood...

Deckard Shaw

"Ah, my favourite O'Connor, what a pleasure seeing you again" He smiled. Okay but why does he look good in a suit. Deckard and I go WAY back and I've never seen him in a suit before. "Hey, eyes up here darling" Shit he caught me.

"Sorry. It's just, I've never seen you in a suit before" I chuckled as Deck pressed the button that went to the 5th floor. I was confused as to why we were going to the 5th floor, I thought the party was on the top floor. "I've never seen you in a dress like this before" He returned the compliment I gave him. Little did I know, he started to walk closer to me. My back hit the side of the elevator. All I know is that, Deckard was still in love with me.

Yeah, we dated. This was last year when I found out Tej cheated on me. I cried for days until Deck decided to give me a call. I told him everything and he was there for me while the break up stage happened. He's always been there for me... but we ended it, knowing our families hated one another. It was too much.

"Deck stop" I looked down at the elevator floor. "I've missed you darling" He lifted my chin up, making eye contact. He was getting closer, maybe too close to be honest. I leaned in. Why the  fuck am I leaning towards the enemy? 

Just as we were about to kiss, the elevator door opened. This wasn't the floor but I decided to take the stairs. There was no way I was gonna get caught in the elevator with Deckard.

Quickly, I shoved him away from me and walked out of the elevator. Deckard smirked, pressing the button that goes to the top floor.

"What the fuck were you thinking Em?" I yelled at myself as I ran up the stairs. "Em where the hell are you?" Brian yelled. I opened the door to the top floor. "I'm here!" I yelled back.

All of a sudden, Letty and some other chick falls onto the DJ's table. "Holy shit!" I step back. "Oh shit, oh shit" Letty groans. "Letty, Letty. Talk to me. Are you okay?" I rush to her side, trying to help her. Then, a hot red Lykan HyperSport drives into the wall almost crashing into us, but then I notice it's Brian and Dom. 

Then the elevator door bell rings.

"Go!" Roman shouts as Deckard walks through the doors holding his gun. Deckard then starts shooting up the place. "This asshole!" I shout as Roman takes Letty and I out of the building.


Roman drove us to the meeting stop. "Ah, there they are. Disaster" Safar spoke as we all walked into the old garage he was working in. "I'm sorry" Ramsey apologised. "I get you an invite to the most exclusive party in Abu Dhabi" Safar complained. "Safar I-"

"No, no, no. You steal the host's car and you jump it between two buildings" Safar explained. "Actually, it was three buildings" Brian corrected. "Oh! Two, insult. Three, honor. My bad" Safar whined again.

"Well, well, well"

Ah, here comes Mr. Nobody. "I have to say, you've got an interesting interpretation there of low-key, Mr. Toretto. You know, Dom. I thought we had an understanding" He walt's in here like he's the king of the castle. "Sometimes you have to play the hand you're dealt" Dom responded. "Well, that's why I prefer to be the dealer" Mr. Nobody smiles.

"Goodnight" He talks to Safar. Safar smiled not knowing what he meant, until he did and nodded. "Ah, I'm getting kicked out of my own garage. This is great" Safar whines and walks out.

"May I?" Mr. Nobody asked, hinting that he wants to see the device Brian and Dom stole. "Brian... give it to him" Dom smiled. Brian moves forward and hands the small device to Nobody. "All that trouble for this little... uh thing" Mr. Nobody takes a good look at the device.

"With all due respect, Dom, you really did great work back there. All of you. All of my men, are now standing by and are fully at your disposal" Nobody hands the device back to Dom.

"Your call"

"Ramsey, fire it up and find me Shaw" Dom hands the device to Ramsey as her and Tej walk towards the computers. "Oh this is crazy" Tej looked surprised. "Emma, I need to speak with you" Mr. Nobody says.

Brian looks at me, he looks worried. I walk with Mr. Nobody around the garage. "Yes?" I asked. "In the elevator..." Fuck, I'm a goner. "Look, I know- hang on, let me finish" He interrupts me. I sigh. 

"I've done some research. Deck and you used to be a thing, I know but I also understand. I know about you and Tej and it's understandable. You needed someone. I don't blame you for it. Shaw helped you when you ran away and he helped you again. Don't go thinking I'll kill you for dating a Shaw but if I notice any suspicion that you're helping Shaw. I may as well"

He explained his reasons very well. "Thank God, I thought I was gonna be a goner. But thanks for understanding Nobody" I smiled at him. "Alright, now let's get back to the team" He smiled back as we walked back. 


"I'm all for winging it, but this is crazy, man. We got mercenaries with some real heat on us. I mean, I ain't scared or nothing but, man, I don't even have a gun" Roman whined. "Gun? We got a whole city" Dom smiled.

"And we may have more than that. If they use God's Eye, it'll tap the cameras around town to find our location, which means we could plant a virus" Tej explained. "And then break in when they access it. So you're talking about hacking my hacking device?" Ramsey spoke as Tej nodded. "It's brilliant" Ramsey smiled.

"Yeah, but there's one problem. The signal strength. We can't start a hack on them until they're within a two-mile range" Tej spoke. "That's really close" Letty looked at Dom. 

"Close? These guys are military. If they're within two miles of us, we're already dead. I don't know about ya'll but I didn't really plan on dying today" Roman whined once again. "Only one way to stay alive" I smiled at Brian. "We play keep-away with Ramsey" Brian smiled back.

"What?" Ramsey sounded shocked. "They can't hit us if we keep moving" I explained. "And I'll take Shaw" Dom stepped up. "So basically, we're just gearing up for a big game of hot potato, huh?" Tej smiled.

"And which car is the potato?" Ramsey asked. "Girl you're the potato" Roman spoke.

I walked towards my car and leaned against it. "Em" I noticed Dom and Brian walking up to me. "Hey" I smiled "Em, it's going to get dangerous out here tonight and we've decided that it's best if you stay away" Dom spoke. "What?" I was shocked. They want me to stay away because it's too dangerous? What the fuck?

"Guys, I'm not a baby anymore. I can help"

"We're not risking it Em, if we all don't make it out alive, we at least want one of us to live" Brian crossed his arms. "Guys please- You're staying Em, it's too dangerous" Dom cut me off. I wanted to help. I'll feel useless without helping them. "Stay with Hobbs, in the hospital. He's going to need some assistance" Dom then ordered.

I know they weren't going to let me go so I nodded. "Fine" I cried. "Please take care of yourselves" I hugged them both. "We promise" They both spoke.

Better keep that promise.

𝐄𝐦𝐦𝐚-𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐎'𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐫Where stories live. Discover now