We all meet again

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"Last time on Total Drama All Stars "  Chris starts narrating

"We had a lot of fun time with our beloved season 1 contestants and our newest contestants from later  seasons.  Still , as many of you have noticed the level of drama was not as fun as we expected. Seriously , nobody was as much disappointed as me!  When Courtney  dropped her drama  queen attitude and hugged Gwen?Yuck ! Or  Duncan going soft on birdies?No way Jose !  Well, If you ask me,  that's what happens when a certain  Boom Boom  starts dating a sensitive  Picasso . So ! Since we all miss the drama that brought us so much joy in season 1 , I decided to start spicing things up a bit. It's gonna be great !   "said Chris while walking and  introducing us once again with the familiar scenery .

 "While keeping the same old island for nostalgia reasons, we gonna add something new to the show. Our total drama challenges will start by pairing couples against each other in the hopes they ll win the big   1 million dollars ! "

In our list we add our favourites:  geoff and bridgette ,  blainley and owen , leshawna and harold ,tyler and lindsay,  alejandro and heather , sierra and cody  . Aaaaaaand last but not least :    gwen and duncan  , trent and courtney!

That s right ! You heard it. We all saw how our  delinquent and new Heather  work together,  buuut to  keep things fair, we need to give the  ones who' ve been cheated  a   tiny   chance, you know. It 's gonna be great!

"Le't s meet our guys right now on TOTAL DRAMA REVENGE OF THE COUPLES:

Heather ,Gwen, Courtney, Duncan ,Trent , Sierra, Cody , Blainley, Alejandro ,Owen, Leshawna, Geoff ,Bridgette ,and Harold , Lindsay and Tyler. "

"I  told you I don't want to do this again Chris! ", said Courtney obviously irritated by the same old sight of the damn island full of painful memories.

Weeeeeell , don't care.Plus, this signature here says different , said  Chris while showing the contract.

"When did we even sign that? "asked Gwen with an indignant look

"You guys should be more careful when you sign things  next time. Sometimes you just make it toooo easy.   A delivery pizza over here", said Chris pointing to Owen, a  fake cast in a hollywood movie over there " said again  pointing to Lindsay .

"Ohh...... I knew  I should have agreed on mexican soap operas , said Lindsay. Over 300 underpaid episodes but at least those guys are honest , she said with clear disappointment on her face. Or maybe makeup commercials. This drama sooo doesn t work on my sun bathing schedule. "

It's okay Lindsay,at least we are together now! said Tyler. 

"Awwww ,thanks Skyler"

I m Tyler...

Same old Lindsay, said Courtney

I 'm not old!  Everybody calls me baby you know !she replied .

Well duuuh since you think like one , continued Heather.

Duncan Courtney Leshawna and Chris tried to hold their laughter.

As I was saying ,you'll be working as total drama couples this season so...

Excuse me Chris , but why am I paired with Trent ? asked Courtney .No offense Trent, but  I would rather be paired with the bear from season 3. 

Well, I don t mind  , Chris answered.  That bear keeps asking me about you  so it could be arranged  , said Chris smirking. 

Courtney  rolled her eyes : Never mind. 

Trent:It's okay Courtney. It's just for the game. Besides, if we win  we get a million dollars and we get to clear our names in front of international tv.

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