The ''appology''

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Courtney had to read the letter  3 or 4 times to believe it. Okay , she  read it over and over again, so much that she lost count. "Since when did Duncan become so eloquent and .... romantic ?" she thought to herself a bit  flattered , yet a bit  freaked out  ." This . is. not . Duncan ".  She threw another look at the letter to convince herself . She tried to put it away but she stopped for a second ." Or was him? " She particularly read the appology part several times.  She had to admit those were pretty touching words .

  "It took you long enough Duncan... "  , sighed Courtney , while she let her body rest  on the bed. Courtney had no idea what to make of this letter. All she can remember is the nightmare that she had back when she first found out about his cheating. ...She was   heartbroken ,in tears,  and while she was falling from a plane , Duncan was there... laughing .... kissing Gwen. "How can you trust him again?  "  Courtney closed her eyes. 

Duncan on the other hand , was  beyond , absolutely and unbeliavably  happy. The moment he read the name on the letter he knew what was gonna be about .  His uncertainty dispelled the moment he read the whole thing.  Luckily nobody was in the room that time so he shouted as loud as he could : 

 "YEEAAH ! I   KNEW SHE S STILL INTO ME !  . I FUCKING KNEW IT !"  Pretty much like Courtney , he had to read it  over and again, not cuz he particularly didn't believe it was hers , but because  he couldn't get tired to read those words over and over and over.  

Before he knew it , it was  4 am already  . The guys were all asleep, even Trent .Duncan too happy to sleep , he didn't even pay attention to him.  

    Trent  was still upset that  Chris forced Courtney to sing with him,  but he thought that  another fight with Duncan was not even worth it, so he went to sleep   . He wasn't going to make a big deal out of this. He knew what his tricks were. He does that over and over again and he couldn't blame Courtney for what happened . 

 But  Duncan was just lying  in his  bed , holding the letter ,smiling ,  not even caring about the  surroundings, satisfied that in his hand was now  the undeniable proof of Courtney's real  feelings.  He felt like shoving that letter in Trent's face , feeling THAT proud he is the one she actually  still has the hots for. He decided to savour the moment instead , thinking he 'll have plenty of time to do that after he wakes up. 

"Wow princess, who knew you had such a way with words. I'm touched . "  He couldn't believe that after all this time , she finally learned  to  appreciate him.   Duncan kept looking at the letter for several minutes until he has noticed something written on the  back of the envelope .  "   5 am -the boat house "

" 5   am WHAT   !? "    OUCH ! "  He unintentionally knocked his head against the bed above him.    "Meet her"???  At this hour ?  What could Courtney want  from me at this hour  only the two of us in that  stinking old boat......??? Suddenly , it  hit him : 

"I love that woman  ," he smiled.

Courtney , meanwhile , had no idea what to do. She had a nice guy who liked her now , someone who was not afraid to say sorry ,but  more important , who wouldn't    hurt her like that delinquent did. 

Still ,she remembered how Duncan kept insisting on telling her something since she got here. Could it finally be the appology she's been  waiting for so long? 

"5 am?   Arghh ...couldn't he pick a more decent hour? "But after all her breakdown  and difficult moments she's been through , she thought that at least an appology could make her heart feel better . 

She decided to go after all . She got herself dressed in her usual clothes , then she was ready to go out.

"Hey Courtney , where're   you going this  late hour? " asked Heather , pretending as if  she was sleeping this whole time.

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