Just a dream

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"Okay Alejandro , time to go back . Those two might catch us here . Or worse ,  CHRIS! He'll send us home right  before we get to see our plan  finished  ! "

"Good point , we'll catch up with those two later at breakfast. " 

Alejandro and Heather rushed back to their cabins

Courtney , meanwhile, couldn't believe what just happened and what was still happening right now in front of her .She couldn't believe it was really him. At this point she felt like not letting him go ever again. She moved her fingers slowly across  his back,  making sure that each and every second is real. All this time when she felt so sad , she never thought that with one, just one embrace , all this sadness she had for so long would fade away in a second .Even though she was still crying , this time  it really felt like  her sadness leaving out her body through her own tears. It was as she finally felt her heart beating again. Duncan pretty much happier than ever , especially after all that time in prison, he finally got his chance to be with her again.He thought for a moment that they should just run  away from all this, forget everything , this whole game ,this whole joke that 's been going  for  forever and would probably get worse by each second they spend here on this island.  It felt like he missed her for an eternity. He was just ready to undress her, kiss her and let his own body taste  hers again. Courtney ,however had to calm herself down. All that crying made her so tired. As they both felt too tired to stand up , they both sat on their knees , still hugging .  After several mintues when her tears stopped , she gradually felt her eyes  pushing her into sleep . She tried to keep herself awake , fearing that if she wakes up he II be gone....again.... She never told anyone, but her  greatest fear changed since last time here.  Her greatest fear  was seeing him leave. She had to keep the conversation going as long as possibe. In her head same words kept on repeating again and again  "Stay awake ,   Stay awake" 

Her mouth eventually stared moving , calling his name   : 

"Duncan...? "

 He looked at her with his concerned eyes   . Pretty much like  her right now , he  had no idea if this is for real or not,  considering all the things they've been through. Duncan always fantasised about her, even when they broke up   , couldn't  even count how many times he had her  walking naked in  his mind . Despite dating someone else , he still thought about her whenever Gwen was not around. The strange part is , this time it looked like  his own fantasy was controling him , but he  had no intention to interrupt it.   At least he would know that by each second he lets her  touch him ,  feel him, she would eventually become real. Afraid she would just vanish if he said something , he tried as much as possible to say nothing and just let her do whatever she wants.   

Courtney on the other hand was begging him to prove her he's real.

"Can you stay with me  a bit longer? 

..I am scared "

He expected her to be sad,angry ,  but scared? Why was she scared  right now? What could possibly make her feel like that ? Were the things he's done that bad....? 

"What are you afraid of ? "he quietly asked her, careful not to "suddenly " wake himself up  back to reality.  .

She answered him a bit embarassed ,with  her lips close to his ear:

  "If all this is just a dream, I m afraid to wake up and lose you again. "

 She had no idea why she would tell him these words , why she would allow herself to be weak right now  in front of this cheater ,  when all she did since she first met him was keep her guard up hoping this way she would never get hurt . She knew from day one she is dealing with a delinquent , so she thought that appearing strong in front of him  would never get her hurt . It all  seemed like a good plan , keeping her safe. Well, she couldn't be more wrong.  But at this point  , after  such a painful long time, she grew tired of trying  , she couldn't do it anymore .

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