Unresolved feelings

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The conversation between those two left Duncan speechless.

"Are these two actually getting along?" thought Duncan. He took another look at the skull he once gifted Courtney and for a second he felt as if he was the one getting cheated here. He had the urge to throw it away but he felt that if he does that, Courtney might not be able to finish the challenge and actually be sent home before having his chance  to talk to her. He decided he had to put this somehwere where she could find it . He went back into the boat house  she recently  spent so much time alone in , and left it right in the middle , where she could easily find it .

Duncan  then went out and continued looking for his missing object

After a long search he found something peculiar which might have seemed to be  the object he s supposed to find.  It was something he felt so relieved that Gwen hasn't seen it yet. It was an old picture of him and Courtney, from back when they were together. He had it in his bag when he came here.  

He looked at the photo , folded it and hid it back in his pocket. 

He was  now heading back to the camp, fully satisfied  that  he's safe this round. 

 "Glad at least it's the one she had her clothes on  " he thought to himself  amused .

When he got  back , the other contestants except courtney and trent, sierra and cody were done with their mission. Gwen was there too.

"Any luck Duncan?" I've just found my  Edgar Poe's  book.

"Ah ,was that what was missing ? I clearly thought it was a waaaay  different object," replied Duncan, a bit confused. 

"Really ? Then what  about your object ,Mr. Sensitivity?"  asked Gwen feeling  a bit uncomfortable with his  ignorant comment.  

"Well nothing" , lied Duncan. "Just a plain old photo of me and my spider . Call me sentimental."

"The kind of spider that leaves you with   quite impressive bite marks on your skin ,  ay Duncan?"laughed Chris.

"Shut up!" replied Duncan a bit angry yet  a  little embarrased. 

Gwen looked at them quite confused.

"Okay  then, it looks like all of you managed to get the correct items. All of the couples here,you're all safe ! For now. "

Heather, Lindsay ,Tyler,  Geoff, Alejandro and the rest of them  cheered in  excitement .

"Buuuut, just a second ,  it looks like our 2 remaining teams Sierra and Cody ,Trent and Courtney are not back yet.  So , any volunteers to check if they 're still  "alive"? asked Chris , amused by his own joke. 

"I ll go check on them! "said  Gwen. 

"I'm glad you volunteered Gwen , "asnwered Chris ,  with a satisfied look on his face. You go and get Sierra and Cody and Boom Boom over there will go find Courtney and Trent. "Try to make it in time before this day ends." 

Gwen rolled her eyes.

  "Sure will Sierra and Cody need any help? "she asked Chris. "That stalker basically keeps him alive on this island. Im sure they're fine. " On the other hand , Trent and Courtney ..",she let a small laughter out.  " I would probably bet they both ate each other before any bear could do it", she jokingly added .

 In her mind she imagined that Trent would have had  enough of Courtney 's bossy attitude and he would be  begging  Chris to send him home.  The thought made her  giggle.  "I better get to them in time  ,before  Courtney eats him alive" she thought. 

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