The little contest

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While Trent had to deal with his problems with Duncan in their cabin, Courtney was lying in her bed , gazing at the little present the sensitive guitarist offered her. She was all smiles and she  couldn't possibly ask for more.  She was thinking about all the things they would gonna do together, during total drama and probably after.  She blushed at the thought , in her mind thinking she just has to enjoy the moment for now.  While she had her head resting on the pillow , she suddenly  woke up from her daydreaming when she noticed a particular object under her pillow.

"Ugh, What is this thing still  doing here ? "she thought. 

It was Duncan's present for her.  Her eyes narrowed in frustration.  

"I have to get rid of this thing , she told herself. "She was about to get  up to do that but some of the girls were back. In a rush ,she just put the mini skull on her drawer.  Heather and Bridgette were back from the bathroom. 

 "Courtney , where have you been ? " asked Bridgette . We were so worried !

  "Yeah some of us less than others , but you understand , "said Heahter while  she was applying lipstick  on her lips , looking in the mirror. 

"Anyway ,continued Bridgette, "not taking Heather's mean  comment seriously.  "I 'm so glad you seem much happier than 2 days ago. " She hugged Courtney but she noticed the rose  lying on her bed.       

"Courtney ,  What 's that ? "

"Nothing! "said Courtney , embarrassed ,  trying to hide the rose . It was too late cuz Bridgette already saw it. 

" It's  so beautiful ! Where did you get it ?" 

Courtney had to lie but she couldn't come with anything good:  "I just umm...had it for a while ...."

"Ohhhhhh, Don t tell me .....  You have a secret admirer ?" asked Bridgette surprised and  happy for her friend. 

"Her ? Year right!" laughed Heather. "Unless  that guy is a sad ,miserable   convict who enjoys dating arrogant prison officers .     Ohhh  wait ! Didn't   know you and Duncan got back together Courtney !  Good for you. " continued Heather sarcastically.

Courtney narrowed her eyebrows  in frustration.  

"Just ignore her , come on! it's time for breakfast anyway.   You have to tell me all about your secret admirer and that rose" said Bridgette walking out  together with Courtney . 

Heather , frustrated , realised something fishy was going on.

"So she really has someone  new ? Wow,  who knew she would be over that criminal that easily .  And someone gave her a rose? Poor idiot.  But this means alliance. Which  means trouble . And   I  must be the one who creates it .  But most importantly  the one who enjoys it! 

Heather  accidentally struck  her leg on Courtney's drawer when she was about to head out , making the small skull fall from the top of it right next to her leg. 

She took it from the floor. 

"Isn't this  the skull that creep gave her back then? "

Her face suddenly lit up with an idea .

 "Advantage , Heather". 

Everybody was at the breakfast table. Trent  managed to get away from that fight only with some small bruises on his chest and shoulder , and luckily nobody beside the guys suspected a thing about the fight in the boys cabin.  Duncan still looked at him like he was ready to hit him again any second. 

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