' 'first challenge' '

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When Courtney  made her way back to the cabin , she had no idea  it was that late. She lost the  track of time with all that  contemplating she's been doing , so much that while she was walking towards the camp ,  she had her hopes up  that at least  all  the other girls   were all asleep so she can finally rest her tired body in whatever bed was left for her .  Surprisingly , they were all still awake , the welcoming comittee just "ready to greet her ": 

"Courtney we saved you a bed", said Gwen

" Hey , why does she get the big one?" asked Lindsay 

" Yeah , I thought  we agreed no one  gets the best bed until one of us is eliminated  ! " said Blainley .

"Because Courtney  would probably be the first one  to get eliminated , since she pretty made it clear she doesn t want to be here. Good thinking Gwen ! " said Heather with a mean voice 

Gwen looked at her with a murderous look

 "Give it a week and that bed will be ours in no time",said Heather.

"But, but that bed has the best view of  the door !" said Lindsay pointing at the front door  standing next to Courtney 's bed.  "Hello door ! "

Courtney ,without any word,  she sat on the bed and faced the wall hoping she would fall asleep and be spared of another hour of  teammates noise pollution. 

Bridgette  and Gwen looked at Courtney with a concerned look:

"Guys ,  keep it down, she's trying to sleep ",said Gwen 

Bridgette sat next to Courtney with her hand on her shoulder, trying to comfort her.

"We all want to sleep hun,but you just can t simply  pick the best bed for her .  It ain t nothing democratic about this" ,said Leshawna.

Fine! I ll give Courtney my bed and you can have it Leshawna ,said Gwen. 

Why does she get it ? asked  Heather with a resentful look pointing at Leshawna

Well  obviosly your arrogant butt won't keep you here  long enough on this island , replied Gwen

Ohh cuz your butt is obviously sooo....tried  Heather  to make her point, but suddenly both of them  were interrupted by an unexpected voice :


Heather and Gwen's  eyes widened and their mouths, petrified, couldn't say any more words. All of them had their  jaws dropped in shock at Courtney , including Bridgette.

Courtney took a pillow from one of Gwen's bed and went straight on the porch ,lying her body in front of the cabin and resting her head on the pillow

The girls came out and looked at her.

Wow ..rude much? that bed wasn't that much of a big deal  you know ,said Lindsay 

Nahh I think she still has her heart crushed because of  that hooligan commented Heather. Hope your  clear conscience will let Courtney sleep well on the porch tonight Gwen , continued Heather with her sarcastic tone.

Guys ... I think we should let her have the bed . She will get a cold ,added  Bridgette with clear discomfort from Heather's comment. 

No way said Heather.  Spoiled Courtney will be gone anyway. Less competition and more  comfort? Advantage ,Heather.

Leshawna  came closer to Heather ready to kick her: 

Oh I ll show you advantage, you  drama queen! 

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