The challenge continues

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I think I found it Trent!

My guitar ! Thank you Courtney ! I don t know what would I do without it!

Wow!you really love this thing don't you?

Yeah ,many memories tie me to this baby.  I ve been playing guitar since I was 9. 

Well ,you re really good at it! 

Thanks , and by the way, I think you re an awesome singer too. I saw you in world tour.

Courtney blushed ,still she felt awkward since some of her songs were about  her worst moments of her life. 

Thanks.   Singing is the only thing that allows me to express my feelings the way I want.

I hear you.  I always compare my feelings to certain songs. I used to play a lot of songs whenever I felt happy or.... sad....

Courtney started to feel embarassed thinking the conversation will be all about Gwen.But she couldn't help  allowing him  to continue  the conversation his way , after all he did to cheer her up since she came back on  this  drama island. 

Well, look at the bright side!said Courtney 

What s that?

Most of the best songs are about break ups

Yeah,I guess so... said Trent with an even sadder voice but keeping a small smile .

Courtney tried harder to think  her response ,  obviously still embarassed:

What I m trying to say is.... You re a sensitive guy who managed to make all of us cry for your love  story with Gwen. Even Eva! And don t tell anyone but ..since I broke up with Duncan, I had your saddest songs in my playlist. It really helped me!

Trent looked at her surprised and his mood changed :

Really? That's cool. I mean...It's nice to see people still appreciating my music . Glad it 's still worth something, especially since our Drama Brothers band  split up .   It makes a musician proud to be a musician.   He tried to look cool once again :

 Thanks miss C.I.T! 

 Courtney laughed . I guess I still am the best C.I.T around here.

Both of them  let a small laughter out and they kept walking.

Now serioulsy Courtney ,you should give up on that lawyer stuff.  You re a far better singer !

You really think so?  She looked surprised . She considered it for a moment and the thought made her smile,  but in a short time it quickly faded . 

But I can t....

Why not ? asked Trent  , while they were both still searching. 

Well...My parents.....they always made me feel insecure about the things I like...Even though I enjoy singing more ....They never allowed me to make it into a career . So I never considered it  as an option.  She paused for a bit clealry saddened by her memories and decided to change the topic.   She suddenly remembered  a certain thing  about his family:  Come to think of it , wasn t your dad a lawyer ?Must be cool to have him trust your musician skills.

Nah.... I  guess at this point I am in the same mess as you are. Parents....They always had these shitty  narcissistic expectations on me. Only my grandfather was pretty cool with my choices so it was easier to escape from all that . He always offered me comfort in my tough times, him being a musician too you know...

Wo....w....That s why you missed him so much,  right ?

Yeah... And everybody laughed at me for thinking I went insane.... even Gwen, added Trent with clear sadness in his eyes

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