The game starts

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Duncan headed out  and closed the door behind him.His return left the guys surprised and speechless at the sight of his naked torso. 

"Well..that was solved really quick", laughed Alejandro.  "Well done amigo !"

"Duuude , I  wish me and Bridgette could solve our problems as fast as these two", laughed Geoff. 

All the guys were laughing as loud as they could  , but only Trent looked at him unconvinced and clearly annoyed .

"Duncan  you sly dog, you ! "commented Owen. 

"SHUT IT! " shouted Duncan  trying to push his way back in the cabin.

"I trust your appology made a bigger mess than already was? " asked  Alejandro. 

"You can say it like that. Should have not listened to you guys in the first place . I know how she is. I know her better than any of you here! "pointed out Duncan looking at Trent particularly. 

"Sorry dude. You can t blame this one on us. We tried to clean your mess. Something you should have done since the beginning ,"added Geoff. 

The others nodded in agreement.

Duncan looked at them in discontent  and  just headed back in the cabin , feeling completely devastated .  He couldn't shut an eye  after what happened in the cabin.  Unfortunately his discomfort and the ohter's   gradually grew the moment a voice of a familiar  host started shouting on the megaphone: 


All of them  were now out , including Courtney , now coming out of the boat house  with Duncan s t shirt. She went to Trent and told him:

"I know I ask too much , but please throw this piece of junk back to ...him.  Trust would prevent a bigger conflict."

"Say no more", added Trent with an understanding smile.

Trent threw the shirt in Duncan 's face

"Heyy!" shouted Duncan.

Courtney left out a little laugh , thanked Trent and went next to the girls.

"Wrong direction Courtney " Everybody ,boys and girls ,go right to your partners !added Chris. "The show is about to begin!"

"What do you want from us this time, Chris ? "asked Heather 

"Yeah it s  5 am  dude,"  said Geoff 

"Well I think it 's perfect timing ,cuz I just  finished my love poem for Leshawna . I 've been working on it all night reminiscing our wonderful time together  !" said Harold with his  eyes wide open  like a puppy holding his poem  close to his heart with both hands.

"Eaaaasy there Casanova. It s time for our first challenge.  "

Harold s  love struck puppy face changed into saddened puppy face .

"So campers ,  when your luggages arrived  here on the island  , chef took one  important item from you when you weren't looking."

"Heeey ! You took my sun cream? No fair! "screamed Lindsay.

Chris continued ignoring her: 

  "Your mission is  that you couples  go around the island and find the objects that you and   your partner lost ".Let's say it 's an opportunity to get to know each other better , smirked Chris looking at Courtney and Trent. 

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