'' just a song between us ''

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It was now morning .Courtney and Trent were still in the same spot since last night . They were both sleeping next to each other,their faces pressed together,   lying next to the same  campfire that now went out . 

Courtney was first to wake up.  Courtney jumped embarrassed when she noticed her lips so close to his. But happy he's not awake yet , she smiled at the thought of possibly kissing him .

Looking around her , she was completely shocked to see it was morning already

She tried to wake Trent up:

"Trent, Wake up!  !Wake up ! It 's morning ! We slept in! "

"Just a few more minutes , okay? "he added with his sleepy voice.  But realising what she just told him ,  he woke up  : " What ? No way ! What time is it now  ? We'll miss breakfast!"

Their concern  slowly grew when another person came . For too much of their horror it was Chef. 

Chef was now right next to their campfire  with his eyes questioning them:

"And what do you think you two you're doing here ?"

Both of them, stood up and  replied simultaneously  with their hands in complete defense:

"Nothing ! "  , "Nothing! "

"Ha .? It doesn't look like nothing to me! It's 6 am now .  You've been having a campfire  the whole night instead of being in your cabins? You two  want me now to make you scrub the toilets for a month?"

Both of them replied simultaneously , their words mixing ,  still in complete defense pose:

"No!   We're good " "That's fine" "It's okay "

"I thought so . Now go back before I change my mind !"

They were ready to rush  to their cabins  but Chef stopped them:

"Wait a minute you two !"

Trent and Courtney exchanged terrified looks.

They stopped and didn't turn around ,   just stood there completely petrified , ready to hear their "sentence"

"I heard your song last night..."  he started 

"We are soooo eliminated "Courtney 's terrified eyes tried to tell Trent's 

"It could be worse ," Trent's eyes tried  to respond hers.  "It could be the toilets"

"And all I want to say is ... " continued Chef

With each step he  got closer  Courtney and Trent 's  shocked expressions grew in full terror. 

Chef was now right behind them . He opened his mouth and told them :

"Why didn't you invite me to your karaoke last  night  ? !! You know how much I love singing!"

Courtney and Trent's  terrified looks changed  back to normal, both now truly  reliefed. 

"We have to sing it together ! Come on ! Just one more  time !   "Whoaaaa, whoaa, oh  ooooooh ! " he shouted 

Now they turned around and  looked at him  completley  creeped out. 

"How do we get out of this "? asked Trent whispering   , still unmoved, but  his eyes  looking at  Chef,forced-smiling. 

"Unless you want to scrub the toilets  , are you willing to part with  your mp3 player ?" whispered Courtney,  with the same forced smile in Chef's direction. 

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