The Incident

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Four years of age. Four years of hoping for that quirk to come. Four years of looking up to pros and planning to be one like All Might. Four years of anticipation.

Four happy years gone, within the matter of a day.



"(Y/N)! Remember to brush your teeth before 12:30! We'll get to celebrate your quirk more later that morning! Countdown will be ready in just a few minutes!"

"Okay momma, love you so much bye!" (Y/N) quickly shut the door as he hopped back on the bed next to his friend Izuku. The two were practically brothers at this point, as just babies they would hang out whenever their mothers met up, always had playdates whenever they could, and helped each other out with whatever they could. Pretty loyal to each other for four-year-olds.

"I can't wait to see your quirk (Y/N)-chan! But are you sure that you didn't want to invite anyone else for the sleepover and early birthday party-"

"Yep! You're my best friend and that'll never change!" (Y/N) looked at him, the same bright future he had in mind as much as a four-year-old could have in mind. (Y/N) put his hand out, his pinky standing out for a pinky promise. He thought for a bit. "You're like a brother to me Izuku-chan, and I'm always gonna be there for you whenever you need! If I could have another brother, it would be you!" He smiled a bit as Izuku looked at him with an open mouth and pure awe in his eyes. (Y/N) would place his hands forward and extend his pinky. "This is a pinky promise for that to never change no matter what and always be there for you!"

Izuku looked at his pinky like he was witnessing the very first appearance of All Might himself. He smiled and would lock his pinky with (Y/N)'s. "To brothers!"

They both picked up the controllers once again and turned to the TV. "You want to be All Might again?" (Y/N) asked.

"You bet!" Izuku immediately responded.


After a continuous amount of winning and losing, both of them finally gave up on trying to see who would win at the end of the night; that and (Y/N)'s father had just addressed that the countdown was ready and he had talked to his wife about letting the kids eat cake this late and letting them get a later bedtime. Izuku and (Y/N) got off, not bothering to shut off the console since they would get straight back on it later.

"So (Y/N)-chan, what do you think- or hope to get?" Izuku asked curiously as he sat down on the chair, his legs dangling from it, sitting to his friend's right.

"I hope to get something like Energy Manipulation like my mama!" (Y/N) said with excitement.

"Ah, and not manipulating steel like your old man?" His father said, acting all sad and hurt.

"Oh come on dada, we both know mom can cut through your steel any day!" (Y/N) joked. His father laughed in return as his mom smiled and chuckled a little.

"Good point kiddo, gotta be able to finally beat me before you're a dad yourself!" His father responded as he got the candles ready. To which (Y/N)'s face went red when thinking of having a wife. Izuku would use the table as a drum set as he and (Y/N) began talking about how they're gonna help the world. Planning how they're gonna compete to be the next #1 pro.


"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear (Y/N)! Happy birthday to you!" Would be heard from (Y/N)'s father and mother, and Izuku as they all clapped when he blew the candles out as soon as it hit midnight, precisely as they finished singing. Everyone clapped and cheered as (Y/N)'s father began cutting the cake for everyone, giving his son the biggest piece he could without a scolding from his wife.

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