Disaster Trip Part Two

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Had enough time to get this out early so might be putting another part out today!

We all stood in silence as we waited for the opposite side to attack or make any moves. The villain just kept itching himself with that Kurogiri guy standing by his side. The smoke was slowly starting to clear out.

"What's wrong?" All Might eventually asked, causing the villain to be caught off guard. "Not attaching me? Didn't you say you were going to clear this level earlier? Well, come and get me, if you dare." I could of sworn the villain gasped as he seemed to shake a bit where he was standing, stepping back. Was he afraid?

"Man, this is intense."

"As I expected. There's no reason for us to fight now. He'll handle this."

"I don't know Shoto, there's no way they don't have anything else up their sleeve."

"That may be but from the looks of it, there is nothing else they can do to even touch All Might now. That villain is shaking and we already know how to take care of Kurogiri now. I have complete faith that All Might could finish this up even if they tried something."

"Yeah, (L/N), Midoriya, come on you two we should go regroup with the others." Kirishima walked up to me, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Not to mention I'm sure Mina's worried sick for you (L/N), and Ochaco for Midoriya." He looked up to Izuku who slightly hesitated as he continued watching. "The last thing we wanna do is get taken hostage or get in his way anyways."

A few moments passed before All Might shifted. "What, are you scared?"

Eventually, the guy started itching his neck mad out of control, panting like a fucking dog. "If only Nomu was here...he'd rush you right now. Pound you into the ground without giving it a second thought." After a while, Kurogiri shifted around and started saying something to the villain that suddenly made him calm down.

I looked behind me as a few villains started getting back up. Damn it, this was taking longer than I had hoped. Why can't they just clear out already? "I think All Might can hold his own against those two main guys. Looks like we're getting that fight (L/N)! Let's make sure these dudes don't hurt anybody else." 

"Will you be joining us?" Shoto looked over to Izuku who was still staring, I looked over to him before quickly analyzing the villains that were currently standing across from All Might. Before I could even say anything the villain started rushing All Might, and All Might didn't make any moves at all.

"Consider this revenge for what you did to Nomu!"

"Whoa Midoriya!" I looked over to see Izuku had suddenly jumped, I quickly rushed after him trying to ignore the pain in my side as I prepared a blast.

"I won't let you touch All Might, you stupid villain!" He was going for the warp's hidden body. I looked to see the other villain had stuck his hand through, I don't what the fuck his Quirk was but I couldn't just let anything happen. As he reached for Izuku's face I fired a beam at his chest as a gunshot was heard, a few more shortly following.

"Sorry, everyone! I know we're a bit late. But I got the teachers over here as fast as I could." I heard Principal Nezu shout that he brought reinforcements as more Quirks were heard and from down hear what I could see. Present Mic's Quirk I quickly recognized from the loud sound. I looked back at the villain who had been shot in his hand and a tear in his shirt from where I had hit him, smoke emitting off of it as he grunted and mumbled about something. He turned around and was immediately hit with a few more bullets causing him to fall. The warp thing quickly covered him as this happened.

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