Origin Point

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I wake up sweating, taking a deep breath, and collecting myself. Another nightmare, well, the same memory of course but still counts. I lift my upper body and turn to the side of the bed, my feet landing on the cold carpet as I look down through the specialized blindfold. I close my eyes, taking it off and replacing it with my regular visor, opening it to see what I always do. Red. Thanks to my quirk anyway, just glad I can remember the name of certain colors so I know what I need half the time.

Getting up I walk over to my closet, the dim sunlight from the windows hitting my skin. I open the windows completely to let the sun in fully as I open the closet door. Remembering I forgot to take my school clothes out of the dryer anyway I walk over to my door and open it, going through the doorway I go inside the laundry room and recover my clothes from the dryer.

Putting them in my arms I walk into the hallway, placing the jacket on the bed and slipping into what I saw was labeled "white" which, hopefully, was going to be a white-colored long-sleeved clean polo on and my school pants, obviously taking the label off first. After that I place long socks on, and then slip into my jacket, buttoning it up. I gathered my school supplies from my desk, which I used to sketch anything that came to mind, always returning to my childhood house.

I sighed as I got up, readjusting the visor and making sure it was ready to go as I stepped out of the hallway and put my backpack on. I looked down the hallway, seeing my foster parents already cooking for me and their son. Both of them were Americans who had moved to Japan as part of a job offer, in a way I'm glad they did, I don't know what I would have done all by myself at the age of four, other than hop from one foster home to the next.

"Hey kid, you hungry?" Maddie asked me, a smile on her face as always as she had already prepared a piece of toast for me and some lunch for school. I couldn't help but nod, they put in work to make me feel a part of the family as much as possible, that's why they're up earlier than they should be for work. To help me get ready for school, and look after Pietro. Pietro was no older than two months, so Maddie and Samual switched work days whenever they could to watch after him, and if I had a half day they would have me do the rest of the watching in case they couldn't.

They may not have quirks, but for people who deal with a two-month-old and an adoptive son with a pretty powerful quirk that he might not have enough control over yet, they sure as hell deserve some. Glad I was one of the lucky orphans to get such great people in my life, since I was four I wasn't exactly easy to deal with or talk to, but they fucking it.

Samual would take a piece of toast and take a bite out of it, walking to me and giving me a good old hug before patting me on the back. "I'll be back from work later than usual and Maddie will be here for most of the day, but since you've been doing well in school, and it's the last few days, we were thinking maybe instead of watching the kid you could hang out with that Midoriya kid for a bit?"

I smiled. "That would be great, you sure you won't need me though?"

Samual simply laughed a little. "Kid, trust me, we dealt with a walking nuclear bomb for ten long ass years, we can handle a two-month-old....I think." He would take off after kissing Pietro on the head and his wife on the cheek, taking his suitcase with him after finishing his toast and washing his hands.

"You sure you want to walk this time? It's no bother." She asked, picking up Pietro as he was getting a little fussy.

I couldn't help but smile more. "Yes, I am sure Mom. We'll be able to celebrate my graduation when everybody is together." With that, Maddie smiled before giving me my lunch and kissing me on the forehead. I walked out and closed the door behind me, taking the elevator so I wasn't too late to class. While taking the elevator I looked out the glass and saw a conflict not too far from me.

The Cyclops of Japan (My Hero Academia X Cyclops Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now