Timeline Lore

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An asteroid was crash landed in Hope, Idaho and started the outbreak for the first time. Blackwatch was formed and then had to be deployed because of it. After the outbreak was contained, they found the Red Artifact of unknown origins and then it was taken to Area 51 for research. Of course, the US government made a cover-up story to prevent a public panic.

May 10, 2003:

Former US President, George W. Bush found a VHS tape that contains message from unknown origins.

(Play this, if you want to know the message)

After the president watched the message, he began to have visions about the Black Mesa incident, when GlaDos went rogue in Aperture Science, the 7 hour war, and when Chell is the only alive in Aperture Science. It even showed that Dr. Breen, the head of Black Mesa was or will be responsible for contacting an alien empire known as the Combine Universal Union. He had to act fast before it's too late.

He formed an elite division from the United States Marine Corp called, Hazardous Environmental Combat Unit (H.E.C.U). Then, he called in the SCP Foundation for help and they accepted it.

May 13, 2003:

H.E.C.U and .M.T.F. have made an assault on both Black Mesa and Aperture Science, trying to put a stop to their work before it's too late.

Everyone that works in Black Mesa were arrested. Those who resisted the arrest and fought against the HECU & MTF were either killed or were taken alive. Dr. Breen was going to be arrested but resisted, which resulted in Corporal Shephard killing Dr. Breen before he kills him, Sergeant Bankson and his men.

He wasn't happy at first but he remembered that it was a kill or capture anyway. At least the high value targets were alive (Gordon Freeman, Barney Calhoun, Dr. Magnussion, Dr. Kleiner, and Dr. Eli Vance along with his family). Even the creatures of Xen were captured, like Headcrabs, Houdeyes, Bullsquids, Alien grunts, Barnacles, and Vortigaunts.

Then Black Mesa gets destroyed by a nuclear bomb, which the Resonance Cascade incident gets prevented.

The same thing goes for Aperture Science except this time, it worked differently.

GlaDos wasn't built on time, everyone who works in Aperture Science are arrested (except for those resisted and killed some of the MTF & HECU)

All the high value targets from Aperture Science are taken alive. (Cave Johnson, Caroline Becker, Dr. Rattman, and Chell.

The technologies and many other prototypes from Aperture and Black Mesa has been sent to the area for studies, research, and make it one of their own.

As for the Xen creatures, they were placed in containment for safety and research.

The insurgents or those who resist the arrest at Black Mesa and Aperture became D-class personnel.

Half of the Black Mesa/Aperture personnel worked for the U.S. Science Division while the other half worked for the Foundation.

When the SCP Foundation found out about the origin of the Vortigaunts and how they're controlled by the Nihilanth and the Gene Worm of Race X.

They used the Lambda Science Group (the same group who are responsible for the portal technology) to open a Portal to the borderworld Xen.

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