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20 years earlier before the event of RWBY.
Atlas Council Court room
Atlas, Solitas

Everyone is all gathered around in the courtroom for Dr. Arthur Watts is trialed for his failure to bring the weapon of mass destruction, the Dark Grimm Virus back in Atlas.

Dr. Arthur Watts: There is another Planet where it's populated with humans too.

Atlas Councilman#1: Another planet? Are you sure?

Watts: Yes, this planet is called Earth.

Everyone seated on the sides of the Courtroom whisper to eachother.

Atlas Councilman#2: *slams on the table* Why was it not brought back safely with you!?!

Watts: The portal showed up and sucked us in as we attempted to test it on the Grimm.

Flashbacks began to show the big portal sucking the entire Atlesian Pathmaker ship, along with Summer and the missile containing the virus.

Watts: After an unknown portal sucked us in, that's when arrived on Earth.

Another Flashback shows an Atlesian Pathmaker ship preparing to crash land on San Francisco on Earth.

Atlas Councilman#3: When you first saw Earth, were blinded by its beauty?

Watts: Blinded?

Atlas Councilman#3: Mentally paralyzed? Dumbstruck?

Watts: No.

Atlas Councilman#3: Yet, you were able to return without knowing how you exactly got back, failing to see how it affected the Grimm, and leaving it into the wrong.

Watts: Noble Councilmen, surely you understand that this Dark Grimm virus is what killed the entire crew and turn them into the Grimm aboard that ship-

He gets interrupted by the crowd that highly doubted and disagrees with him.
Until the 2nd Councilman silenced them.

Atlas Councilman#2: ORDER! ORDER IN THE COUNCIL!

Atlas Councilman#1: You were right to focus your attention on the Grimm outbreak on board that ship. But this team whom you've known them as the "Alpha team".

Flashback shows the entire crashed Atlesian Pathmaker exploded due to the self-destruct sequence.

Watts: By the time I've learned their intent, there is nothing I could do.

Everyone in the council began shouting and taunting him, labeling Watts as a "traitor" or "incompetent fool".

As for Jacques Schnee (The Bastard), he just chuckles as he watches.

Atlas Councilman#3: *whispers to his ear* Noble Councilman, this has gone on long enough. Make an example of this bundler. The council DEMANDS it.

Atlas Councilman#1: You're are one of our most treasure instruments. Long have you shared your great knowledge for our Science division to combat the Grimm. Especially, since the Great War. But your inability to safeguard the weapon was a colossal failure.

Random Atlas Jury: NO! It was treason!

Everyone else in the jury agreed with him and shouted,"Treason!" or just booed at him.

Watts: I will continue my campaign against the Grimm or anyone that stands in our way.

Atlas Councilman#1: No. You will not. *points to Watts* Take him to Detroit.

Watts: NOO!!! No, not Detroit! Anything but that- Wait a minute...What's Detroit?

(Bankson03: Cut, cut cut! That's not part of the script!!)

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