Chapter 5: Negotiations and Reformations

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Kuo Kuana, Menagerie

As heavy fighting against the waves of the Grimm continued outside of the city, the inhabitants of Menagerie began to notice a strange flying object in the sky. They were frightened when they first saw it.

 They were frightened when they first saw it

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Faunus Civilian 1: What is that!?

Faunus Civilian 2: Is that Atlas!?

Faunus Civilian 3: It doesn't look like Atlas.

Guy in a messy Green armor: Whoa! Is that just me or did I smoke too much? What the hell was inside that weed!?

Guy in red and black: *sigh* No, you didn't smoke too much. It's really happening.

Guy in the hoodie: I hope they're here to help us.

Ghira Belladonna: What's going on?!

Menagerie Guard: An unknown ship just entered into our land. People are starting to panic.

Ghira Belladonna: Are they Atlas?

Menagerie Guard: I don't think so. Their shape, color, and size don't match.

A Pelican dropship begins to make their to the docks, getting escorted by two Falcon Helicopters. Then they began to lnd at the nearby Docks.

Menagerie Guard: Should we engage them?

Ghira Belladonna: No, but be ready and inform Duty, Freedom, and the Loners  about this. I wanna know what the newcomers are up to.

Ghira makes his way to the nearby docks alongside with his guards as Nicholas, Summer, and Aurelius exit the Pelican, escorted by four Spartans, 8 marines, and 6 Skitarri Rangers.

The Guards raised their improvised  weapons (like Spears, Bolt-action dust rifles, AK's, SMGs, etc.) as did the Sartans, marines, and the Skitarris.

Aurelius: Please put down your weapons, we mean you no harm. For we have come in peace.

Ghira nods at the guards and then they all lowered their weapons.

Ghira Belladonna: I am Chieftain Ghira Belladonna of Menagerie. Who are you and why are you here?

Aurelius: I am Colonel Aurelius Bankson and this is Captain Summer Bankson. We are on the behalf of the United Earth Space Command.

Nicholas: I am Hierarch Nicholas Polendina of the Machine Alliance andwe come in peace.

Aurelius: Yes, we are here for the negotiations and for aid. We heard a distress call from you and we came as fast as we could. I hope I'm not too late.

Ghira: Not at all. You're just in time. Follow me home, we'll discuss our negotiations there.

Aurelius: Very well.

As they began to make their way to Ghira's home, Aurelius and Nicholas ordered some of their marines and Skitarris to guard their ship. They were a little concerned about the state the Faunus Civilization are in and the situation they're in since the Grimm attacks.

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