Chapter 1: Awakening the Sleeping Titan

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New York City, United States of America, United Earth
July 22, 2213

It was another sunny day in New York on Earth, our home. Even though there are good days and bad days, everything was going peacefully well.

It was until a Ginormous GATE showed up out of nowhere in the middle of Central Park.

Many people just stood there shocked and taken by surprise. Then the the entire New York Police Department formed a perimeter around the GATE, making sure no one gets in or out.

Even Maxtac and Trauma team joined in, following the UEDF (United Earth Defense Force)

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Even Maxtac and Trauma team joined in, following the UEDF (United Earth Defense Force).

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The sandbags, minefields, and barbed wires were set up in front of the GATE and the citizens of New York City began to evacuate while 5 U

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The sandbags, minefields, and barbed wires were set up in front of the GATE and the citizens of New York City began to evacuate while 5 U.E.S.C. frigates arrived at the same time.

Meanwhile on the otherside of the GATE...

We see hundreds, if not, thousands of White Fang grunts along with their tanks, Prowlers, and many other vehicles that was stolen from Atlas. Including the Paladins-290s, old AK-200s and 300s.

Adam Taurus: Brothers and sisters of the White Fang, the age of man is at an end. We have become mistreated, discriminated, and seen as monsters by humanity itself. Corporations we know of has been promoting Faunus slavery insteading of inventing better ways to harvest the elements of Dust. The kingdoms we once trusted with our future have been sabotaged. The plans that have been made by Sienna Khan has been in vain. But fear not, there is a future for us. As promised by our fore fathers and mothers, the solution for our race has been found. This Gate is a doorway that will bring us to our new home away from Remnant and when the time comes we will change and rise again!

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