Chapter 4: More Expansions and New Allies

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Aurelius's Quarters, UESC Spirit of Fire

Aurelius was meditating, practicing how to put his entire gun parts back to together, using his telekinesis (AKA The Force).

(Instead of the Lighsaber assembling, replace it with his 2213 Colt 1911 pistol assemblings)

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(Instead of the Lighsaber assembling, replace it with his 2213 Colt 1911 pistol assemblings)

By the time he was able to put it back together on time without interruptions, a holograms begins to beam up, showing Captain Cutter in it.

Captain Cutter: Colonel, report to the bridge ASAP. We got a problem.

Aurelius: *Grabs his pistol in midair* I'm on my way.


Aurelius, Summer, Alex, and Nicholas made it to the bridge together.

Aurelius: What's your general status?

Captain Cutter: We picked up a distress signal from Menagerie where a settlement ate under attack by the Grimm. There's also an encrypted anonymous message and it looked like it's coming from Vacuo.

Aurelius: Let's hear them.

Captain Cutter switches the channel online to hear both of their messages.

???: (coms) *Static* Anyone receiving this message, the Grimm *Static* are starting to attack our town. The White Fang can't hold them off for long. *Static* We're just a city that's only populated with Faunus. *Static* If you're hearing this message, please help us!! *STATIC*

After the video recording ends, it began to play another recording but this time, it's an audio recording.

???: (coms) I heard you're the group that saved the settlements in Vale & Vacuo. And that you're known as the "The United Earth Armed Forces". I want you to help us liberate Vacuo from those damn fanatics and you have my word that we'll return the favor by giving you intel, resources, and part of our land.

???: (coms) But first, please handover new supplies, weapons, and ammunitions and then we'll help and fight by your side. I'll see you around.

The recording ends with the group, Aurleius, Summer, Nicholas, and Captain Cutter being interested for the voice recording and feeling bad for the distress signal.

Aurelius: We'll have help them both.

Captain Cutter: Agreed, but are you sure giving the supplies to an anonymous group from Vacuo is a good
idea? I don't trust this message.

Aurelius: I know that we have to be cautious about it but their land is massive, they might need our help, and they have more resources. Resources that the inhabitants of Remnant never use, except Dust.

Captain Cutter: I hope you're right about that. But there's more...You need to see this.

The screen begins to switch to the Remnant News Network.

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