Chapter 3: Arrival on Remnant

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Somewhere between the Borders of Vale and Vacuo, Remnant
3 hours earlier (3 days earlier on Earth)

All the surviving White Fang invasion force made it back to Remnant, using the Gate. Adam Taurus was shock and then disappointed that it didn't go as he planned it to be.

Many of the White Fang were badly injured. Even their Aura weren't enough to heal their wounds. 50 of their airships are destroyed, 13 are badly damaged, and 7 are still intact.

Many of the WF grunts are badly wounded, so bad that their Aura is not enough to heal them. Other then that, they're so traumatized that even the WF Lieutenants are becoming afraid of what they fought against.

Adam Taurus: What happened!?

WF Lieutenant: The invasion was a failure. The humans have taken us by surprise and they're not Atlas or any other Kingdoms we know of. Our fleet has been obliterated, our armored support has been torn apart, and many of our warriors are either dead or badly wounded.

Adam Taurus: Damn it! Have the fleet scatter into a hiding, and bring the damages ships into our hideout and have all our warriors are still alive head back to either Vacuo, Mistral, and Vale. If those who are wounded or can't fight, send them to our hideout in Mount Glenn.

WF Lieutenant: Yes sir!

WF Lieutenant 2: Lord Taurus, sir! Sienna Khan is on the line. Including your sister. what will you do, sir?

Adam Taurus: ...Tell her what has happened. We have to her know that we'll need all the help we can get. I fear we've awoken the sleeping giant.

Meanwhile in the Land of Darkness...

Salem was looking at the whole landscape through the window until suddenly, her head begins to twist and burn mentally on the inside

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Salem was looking at the whole landscape through the window until suddenly, her head begins to twist and burn mentally on the inside. Her eyes begins to glow bright red despite her eyelids being shut.

Then she begins to have a vision of her future, the future of her doom. Also, the future of Earth's Wrath against her and those who follow her.

After that, she wakes up by her fear of what she witnessed in her vision.

Cinder, Hazel, Tyrian, Emerald, and Mercury all ran in when they heard the sound of Salem screaming.

Cinder Fall: What's happened!? What's wrong!?!

Salem:...They're coming...The beings from another world are coming...

They all looked at each other confused and then turned back towards Salem.


Present Time

UESC Crewman: Sir, we're arriving.

The United Earth Forces and the Machine Alliance made their first step at Remnant as they exit the Gateway.

Summer: After so long, I never thought I made it back.

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