Three - Cloaked Figures

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    Sarah Jane was woken up by shouting the next morning. After last night's events she stayed with the twins until almost two in the morning, laughing and basically pissing about -- Fred informing the girl of their plans for that year.

    The girl sat up, running her fingers through her messy hair as she swung her legs over and out of the bed. She barely got dressed, throwing a wooly jumper on with some oversized jeans. She slipped her feet into her dirty and worn trainers before heading downstairs, finding Mrs Weasley along with Ginny and Hermione.

    Sarah Jane sat down just to overhear the three talking about love potions, the two girls giggling at something she couldn't hear as she reached for the menu on the table. She barely had a chance to even finish a cup of tea she asked for, immediately being urged to get all of her luggage downstairs immediately.

    Time was toying with her, because one second she'd be in her room sorting everything out, the next she was being shoved into an old dark green coloured Ministry car that somehow fitted herself, Fred, George, and Mr Weasley. She was half asleep as the car began to move, her eyes slowly fluttering shut and just to be forced open by a bump in the road. She found herself sitting between the twins during the ride, and eventually she dozed off, (surprisingly), her head falling to her left onto Fred. Fred ignored it, but anytime her head seemed to fall forward he reached and pulled her head back gently.

    Sleep was stripped away as they entered Kings Cross, the cars coming to a quick stop at the front. The Weasleys, Hermione, Harry, and Sarah Jane all piled out of the cars. The Ministry men were even kind enough to help them get their luggage onto some trolleys. They gave their silent goodbyes and Sarah Jane watched with Harry as the cars somehow got to the front of a line of traffic.

    She was probably still sleeping.

    Sarah Jane found herself behind Harry and Mr Weasley, her eyes half shut as she lazily pushed her trolley. Entering the platform usually excited her, but it seemed that sleep had other plans. She watched Harry and Mr Weasley intensely, something in her gut told her something was strange. Harry had tried every morning since the incident to apologize or to even acknowledge her, but this morning he didn't even look at her. Something was different and she couldn't figure out what. She noticed it briefly last night, but because of what was already happening with the twins she simply shrugged it off.

    "Right then," Mr Weasley started as they approached the gateway, "let's do this in pairs as there are so many of us. I'll go through first with Harry."

    Harry nodded and walked alongside Mr Weasley who was pushing Harry's trolly. The two leaned forward and disappeared through the wall just as a few dozen muggles began piling down the platform from a train that had just stopped.

    "Alright! Percy, take Ginny in with you next," Mrs Weasley said, taking control almost immediately. Percy nodded and Ginny grinned, the two put their trolley's next to one another and both started to run straight for the barrier. Their trolley's hit the wall and they vanished. Fred and George went next, almost copying the last two exactly.

    Sarah Jane yawned as Hermione went with Ron, the two glaring at one another before going through. She found herself alone on the platform with Mrs Weasley, the woman giving her a warm smile.

    Sarah Jane stood up straight as Mrs Weasley gently grabbed her shoulders and the two walked forward. They leaned in and in seconds the wall was replaced with the open platform of 9¾. Sarah Jane dragged her feet along as Mrs Weasley rushed to find everyone. They regrouped and quickly got to the end carts, loading their luggage before going back to the compartments. Mrs Weasley quickly kissed her own children before giving Harry and Sarah Jane a big hug, Sarah Jane smiled to herself as they both got an extra hug from the woman.

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