Ten - Quiet Deals

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    Sarah Jane woke up in pain the next morning, the healing process on her ribs had begun so she could get back to classes as soon as possible. When she woke up, Madam Pomfrey had helped her sit up just a little, letting her actually see what was going on around her, but there wasn't exactly much. Her entire left arm was stiff from a temporary cast she'd been given, and despite a sling existing to help keep it up, it was a struggle to even have with how much more immobile it made her.

    She stared at her snapped broom for a good hour before Madam Pomfrey brought her and Harry some food, and when the woman did, Sarah Jane saw Harry's own broom worse than hers. His broom was shredded, as if it had just come out of a muggle wood chipper. They were both silent as they picked at their food, silent until Harry finally told her what had happened after catching her staring for the twelfth time. Harry saw the Grim, and then a dementor came after him. His broom found itself in the as he hurdled to the ground with even more dementors coming down.

    "Fred said they came after you too," Harry said, spinning his spoon slowly in his bowl of syrup-covered oatmeal, "one got to you right as Dumbeldore saved me..."

    Sarah Jane frowned, "he didn't tell me..."

    It was odd, on multiple occasions the two had witnessed the Grim or something referencing the strange thing. First Harry had supposedly seen a dog before almost being run over by the night bus, then Sarah Jane had her first occurrence just by her own boggart all because of the damned teacups. Then at the game they had both seen the Grim in the clouds. Sarah Jane could only assume he heard that woman's screams too.

    And as if reading her thoughts, Harry said, "it was our mother..."


    "The screaming... you heard it too, right?"

    Sarah Jane slumped and slowly nodded, "mhm..."

    "Yeah... it took a while but I realized it this morning," Harry murmured.

    Sarah Jane didn't say anything, she just thought back to what she heard as she hurdled to the ground. There was a woman screaming for mercy, a woman begging for her to not be killed. Everytime the dementors came, all she heard was Voldermort murdering her mum. Sarah Jane felt angry, she could feel her blood start to bubble at the thought. She'd only ever heard stories of their death, never could she have imagined actually hearing it all. She unconsciously rubbed at her scar as she slumped deeper into her dark thoughts.

    Her dark ideas were put on hold as Madam Pomfrey suddenly came in with two pots of flowers, the woman briefly said Hagrid had sent them. 'Earwiggy' flowers were what they were called, but to the two it just looked like a pile of yellow cabbages.

    After that, a blushing Ginny Weasley of all people came in, Sarah Jane watched as she gave Harry a get well card that sang shrilly. She snorted and laughed as the girl left, laughing as the card began to repeat itself and the only way Harry could get it to stop was by shoving it under a fruit bowl someone had sent him.

    Mere minutes later, Cedric, Susan and Hannah dropped by to see Sarah Jane, Susan had brought her one of her muggle books to read while Hannah brought her some sweets. Cedric, unsure of what to bring, brought a handmade card and apologized for not being any better. The two apologized profusely for not visiting her the second it had happened, but Sarah Jane shrugged it off, if they had seen her before, there probably would've been a bit more chaos than there should've been.

     As the two blondes left to go get some work done, and Cedric left to do some prefect duties, Sarah Jane looked down at the muggle book and snorted to herself, she didn't realize Susan had an interest in a muggle author such as Stephen King.

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