Four - Dog in a Teacup

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    "Detention all year?!"

    Sarah Jane nodded, wiping the spit that came out of Ron's mouth off of her tie, "except for the obvious holidays."

    "That's cruel," Ron sighed with slumped shoulders as Hermione helped Sarah Jane, "I didn't think Sprout had that sort of power to do that to you."

    "Sprout technically doesn't have that much power, it was Dumbeldore's orders," Sarah Jane explained.

    "That's even worse!"

    "Not really," Hermione butted in, "she did cast a spell, Ron."

    Harry and Sarah Jane both scoffed, "he deserved it," they said together without meaning to.

    Ron looked disturbed, "don't act like Fred and George now..."

    "Don't act like who," two new voices asked in sync with obvious smirks at the mentions of their names.

    Ron's shoulders slumped even more as Sarah Jane turned around, swinging her legs over the bench and facing the two with a smile.

    "What're you doing here, little badger," Fred asked.

    "I've got detention all year," she said with a grin.


    "Really," she nodded, straightening out her skirt, "I'd rather go to Azkaban."

    Fred snorted as George leaned forward, "want us to break you out of it?"

    Sarah Jane hummed, "why would you do such a thing?"

    "Because now we have an excuse to get detention if you're going to be there," Fred grinned, "and we both know no one likes detention with Snape."

    "Thank you for the offer, gentlemen, but for now I'd like to lay low," she said, standing up.

    "I think you should be rewarded for what you did. Used magic on your horrible uncle," Fred chuckled, ruffling the girl's hair suddenly.

    The girl scoffed, smacking his hand away, "get off, I'm going to go get my schedule."

    "Aw, she saved a seat for us, George," Fred said, ignoring the girl purposefully and watching her cheeks grow red.

    "Shut it, weasel," she spat, shoving past the two who had now broken out laughing.

    The girl found her way towards the Hufflepuff table, going on the other side and glaring at the back of Fred's head. The boy turned around and grinned at her, she turned away as she slid her way next to Susan and Hannah, taking her schedule off of the table. Her eyes skimmed over the first class and a frown tugged at her lips. Potions with the Ravenclaws.

    Potion's seemed worse than normal for Sarah Jane. Professor Snape always had a hatred for her and her brother, but today it seemed he hated her more than usual for an unknown reason. She had somehow angered the man by asking a question on how to spell a word.

    Probably the pettiest ten points taken from her to date.

    She dragged herself into transfiguration afterwards with Susan and Hannah. Professor McGonagall looked at the three with an odd look, but seeing the potion books in their bags she could only assume. Slowly the other Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs strolled in as Sarah Jane found a seat at the front. She ignored the Slytherins as they came in, ignoring the nasty look Parkinson was giving her as the group of Gryffindors finally came in with grave faces.

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