Seven - Restrained

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    Everyone found themselves in the great hall, scattered and confused. The fifth year prefects were all freaked out and worried, but the older ones seemed more calm. Word of Sirius Black being in the castle had spread but no one knew how or why. Their quiet chatter and muttering came to a halt as Professor Dumbledore walked in with a frown on his face.

    "The teachers and I need to conduct a thorough search of the castle. I'm afraid that, for your own safety, you will have to spend the night here. I want the prefects to stand guard over the entrance hall, and I'm leaving Head Boy and Girl in charge. Any disturbance should be reported to me immediately," Professor Dumbledore explained. Everyone awkwardly watched as Dumbledore began to leave, but he suddenly stopped and turned around and raised his finger,
    "Oh yes, and you'll be needing," he muttered as he snapped his fingers, immediately the long tables flew to the edges of the hall and stood themselves up against the wall, the floor was then suddenly covered in hundreds of squashy purple sleeping bags. A smile was on the old man's face, "sleep well."

    Sarah Jane, Susan and Hannah all looked up at Cedric who seemed to be less freaked out than he was mere minutes earlier. The boy looked at them and gave a weak smile as he walked away to the other prefects. The room grew loud the second Dumbledore was out of sight.

    "I suppose we find some bags before they're all taken," Susan said.

    "Save me one, I'm going to go find my brother real quick," Sarah Jane mumbled as her eyes darted around the room.

    "SJ, do it later," Hannah frowned.

    Sarah Jane didn't listen, instead the girl pushed her way through the crowd of students before her two friends could stop her. Everyone was in a mix of muggle clothes and their robes, she couldn't tell who was who because of it. Sadly for herself she found herself still in her Hufflepuff uniform, but luckily she didn't have her robe and at least wore a jumper.

    The Head Boy, Percy, began to shout and bark commands, but Sarah Jane ignored him as her eyes landed on her brother's messy head of hair.

    She slipped into the corner they had found themselves in and spat, "what the hell happened," as she crouched down to their level.

    The three looked at one another, Sarah Jane raised a brow; their silent conversations always bugged her.

    "The Fat Lady's portrait was slashed," Hermione cracked first, fear lingering from her lips, "she ran away onto the fourth floor, I think."

    Sarah Jane blinked, "why would Sirius Black come here? Let alone the Gryffindor tower," she mumbled the last part.

    Hermione's lip moved but she immediately shut her mouth. Sarah Jane looked to see Ron glaring at the girl, and the boy's eyes said it all. When Ron noticed he'd been caught he looked away as well, so Sarah Jane then looked at Harry who too was avoiding her gaze.

    "I don't--"

    "Liar," Sarah Jane cut her brother off, "you know something, don't you?"

    Harry shifted uncomfortably in his sleeping bag, shaking his head he said, "no, we don't."


    His ears began to burn, "I-I don't know anything. He's probably just wanting to... again! Again, I don't know, but everything should be fine, SJ, don't worry."

    "Harry James Potter, don't you lie to me," Sarah Jane threatened, Harry's blood ran cold, "don't tell me not to worry when a murderer has supposedly broken into the school. Are you stupid?"

    "Sarah Jane!"

    Ron and Harry looked oddly relieved for once from the sound of Percy's choice, but Hermione just looked even more guilty. Sarah Jane stood up and turned around, immediately more annoyed than she was as she saw the boy.

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