Five - Fears are Riddikulus

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After that horrible class, Sarah Jane found herself sobbing, doused in vinegar in front of the Hufflepuff common room and sat against the floor. She was so shaky from the recent events she'd messed up such a simple password. Of course it was her. Susan found her minute's after, plugging her nose immediately from the strong bitter stench. She was rushed to the showers, Susan being thoughtful enough to kick anyone inside out just to help Sarah Jane feel a little less embarrassed, but even after three showers the stench was there.

Her hair became a ruffled mess of sharp hard edges and knots, some so big you could see or some so small it cracked a tooth off of a comb. The girl took another shower and ended up sobbing, it was worse than Parkinson's curse towards her the year prior. Sarah Jane eventually was convinced to go to Madam Pomfrey of all people and ask for help. The stench was gone, but her hair was still a mess. She hated it, she hated it so much that she was tempted to slice it off, turning her hip-length locks into shoulder length.

Susan talked her out of it.

News spread quickly of Sarah Jane's fortune, and quickly Harry found out after she'd avoided him -- why on earth would she want to admit to Harry that he was right and she was wrong?

Harry had barely caught her after she'd come back from her herbology class, dragging her into a corner before Malfoy or Parkinson could see either of them. His fingers dug into her wrists despite her protests of leaving her alone, and finally the boy spat out what he had heard about her once the others had gone past.

"I was right!" Harry spat, "I told you I was right!"

"Shut up," Sarah Jane spat back, "I don't care if you were -- just leave me alone!"

Their bickering ended up with Sarah Jane crying. Harry's feeling of power and higher 'knowledge' immediately disappeared as the tears dripped down and off of her cheeks. Realization hit him like a brick in the back of the head as he quickly hugged his sister and went silent. He'd never think that a dog would freak her out so much. He didn't apologize, he just went silent as Sarah Jane cried, clinging onto him like he was about to disappear. He'd never seen her so scared before.

The Potter twins were both terrified of the days to come once realization set in. The news of not just one, but two students being told they were going to die had spread like mad; let alone it being the Potter's themselves.

Neither of them got a break.

The news only got worse. When Sarah Jane had her first lesson for Care of Magical Creatures, she'd just sat outside for most of the lesson, writing about basically nothing. Hagrid sat near his hut, carving some potatoes depressed as everyone looked around confused on what they could even do for fun. After the lesson the girl quickly learned about an incident that happened between Malfoy and a hippogriff.

Harry's lesson was wonderful, he got to ride on the back of the bloody thing and soar in the sky, but Malfoy had ruined it by scaring the creature and being scratched by the beast. Sarah Jane immediately felt like the fun was stolen from her life all because of some 'pureblooded' idiot whining about being attacked yet he initiated it.

...Well, the scratch was more like just a few stitches across his arm.

Malfoy vanished for a week, not appearing until Harry's first potions lesson of the next week, the boy walked in with a swagger and a clean looking sling his arm was rested in. Snape treated the boy like a king -- that's what Harry told his sister at least. Harry did sometimes have the habit to over exaggerate stories.

Harry complained about it all of their transfiguration class, Ron tagging in every now and then as Harry snuck notes from Sarah Jane as she sat between the two annoyed. How could someone talk for so long? Honestly, she could care less about Malfoy, she was more bothered by the prediction. Even when class ended the two walked either side of her, still complaining in both ears as they walked to their next class; Defense Against the Dark Arts.

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