Eight - Schemes and Storms

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    Sarah Jane found herself in the library just mere days before the quidditch match. Cedric, Herbert, and another one of her teammates, Malcolm Preece, a chaser for their team. The three boys were huddled next to one another, scheming new plans they could learn before the match to win, but Sarah Jane sat there fed-up. That second she could care less about the match, she could only care about her house arrest.

    She missed her freedom, she was fed-up of being watched everywhere she went. So, for some reason, she remembered what Mr Weasley had told her months before back in the old pub in Diagon Alley. Animagus' can't be tracked. Her eyes skimmed through the textbooks she had flipped through, she no longer found information for the subject in her third year books, so she found herself borrowing Cedric's fifth year book, as well as a few potion books and History of Magic books off of the shelves.

    "She won't do that," Malcolm mumbled, pulling the girl out of her book.

    "Who won't do what," Sarah Jane asked.

    Malcolm looked at her and frowned, "knock one of the Weasley's out of the match," he said, "I know Anthony would."

    Sarah Jane frowned, "I would," she said, "it's allowed and I'd actually just love to get some revenge on Fred right now."

    Malcolm smiled and nicked one of the papers off of Cedric, quickly writing something new down.

    "Wh-- hey!"

    "I'm working, Ced, not now," Malcom cut the boy off.

    Sarah Jane snorted, "where's Anthony anyways? Doesn't he usually come up with most of the ideas?"

    Sarah Jane could see Malcom roll his eyes, "with Heidi and Maxine. Said they're making sure everything is ready, or something."

    "Heidi got a new broom last weekend since her old one snapped, they're just messing with it right now," Herbert said.

    Sarah Jane blinked, "she broke her broom?"

"During the summer," Herbert nodded.

    "I didn't realize she wasn't using her broom."

    Malcolm snorted, "that's why she's the best chaser we have," he said as he shoved the paper back to Cedric.

    There were only three girls on the Hufflepuff's quidditch team, one which was Sarah Jane who took a beater position, while the other two, Heidi and Maxine, took the second and third chaser spots. She knew them, but not as well as she wished she could due to their schedules and different tastes.

    Sarah Jane rolled her eyes and went back down to her own things as a group of second years loudly went past them. Her eyes scanned the page carefully as she finally found something useful, something that she actually needed to know. Now she understood why McGonagall was so insistent on not telling her anything. First things first, Sarah Jane had to hold a mandrake leaf in her mouth for one entire month, it had to stay inside no matter what or else she'd have to restart it all. Preferably she'd need to keep it underneath her tongue.

    That was the easy part.

    Second, Sarah Jane needed a crystal phial, to be exact a phial that saw pure rays of moonlight. She needed it for once the month would end, for when she needed to spit the leaf out and into the phial. Sarah Jane frowned as her eyes skimmed over one of the potions books she had opened; A silver teaspoon of dew from a place that neither sunlight nor human feet have touched. Where on earth could she get such a thing? After that she needed the chrysalis of a death's-head hawk moth -- what the hell even was that?

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