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Her eyes flickered open to meet a blanket of darkness that laid above her. She rapidly sat up and scanned her eyes around the box? She was in, she saw crates all labeled with the letters W.C.K.D. Her breathing quickened as she inhaled the icy air. She was confused, scared and her memory was all hazy. She panicked standing up and threw the top of one of the crates off. It was filled with feminine clothing, well wherever she was going she was going to be there for a while.

The box thing she was in jolted causing her to fall, it suddenly started to elevate very fast. The ear piercing siren did not help her calm down.

"HELLO SOMEONE HELP!" She called out knowing no one was there.

She pushed her back onto the wall and brought her knees to her chest as fear crept up her spine. Then everything was quiet, the box stopped moving and the tinted blue lights on the wall stopped flickering. The doors above her abruptly opened causing a wave of sunlight to hit her, she shield her eyes with her arm and heard people talking above her.

"Is that a girl?"

"What a girl?"

"No way."

She lowered her arm and saw about 20 people staring down at her, they were all boys. One of them jumped down into the box with her.

"Hey greenie, the names Alby," The boy said as he held his hand out to her.

She took it and he helped her out of the box. She fell onto the grass as everyone looked down at her whispering and talking, their voices muffled as she felt her heart beat faster. Then her eyes laid on a knife strapped around one of the boy's legs, she lunged for it grabbing it and pulling back.

"What is this place! Where am I and Why do I not remember anything?! " She shouted, now standing up pointing the knife at the group of boys in front of her.

"Woah! just put the knife down and we'll explain everything, Just calm down alright!" Alby tried to reassure her.

"No! Where the hell am I!" She demanded stepping closer to the group. Her eyes trailed behind the group onto a 100 foot concrete wall covered in ivy. She took a second to look around the place she was in, there were four walls surrounding them but one of them was open. She turned back to the group of boys still pointing the knife at them. It was only now that she noticed one of them was missing. Then something hit her in the back of her head causing her to fall unconscious.


The girl woke up lying on a not so comfortable bed made of wood and the mattress made of hay. She sat up rubbing her head where she was hit.

"Oh my god you're awake!" said a boy standing in front of her

He had an almost buzz cut and wore a muddy white sleeveless hoodie, with a satchel hung over his shoulder.

She turned towards the boy as he stood in shock

"Umm I'll go get Alby," He said before rushing out the building.

The girl looked around the room she was in. There were shelves with viles, boxes with bandages and tables with scalpels, it seemed like the place was a hospital or something. Next to her was a table with a glass of water and a bloody towel. Must have been her blood. The boy came back into the room with Alby and another boy who had blond hair.

"That was quite the stunt you pulled today," said Alby.

"Sorry," She said with an apologetic expression.

"It's alright, anyways like I was trying to tell you before greenie this is the glade, every month a new greenie gets sent up here with a bunch of supplies and this month it was you. We live by 3 rules here. ​​1 Do your part, 2 Never hurt another Glader and 3 Never go beyond the walls. Well I have to go now but Newt here will show you around," Alby explained, gesturing to the boy with blond hair. He clapped Newt on the back before exiting the room followed by the other boy.

"Hi I'm Newt, sorry Alby couldn't explain more he's in command here I'm second in command though," Newt said as he stuck his hand out to the confused girl. "Do you remember your name or anything?"

The girl thought hard but her memory was still a blur.

"No," She Replied shaking Newt's hand.

"Gally probably knocked that out of you when he hit your head. Don't worry you will get it back in a day or two, it's the only thing they let you keep."

"They? Who's they?"

"The people that put us here we don't know why we're here but we've managed to live with each other. Come on greenie I'll show you around."

Newt and the girl walked around the glade as he showed her where everything was.

"I know it's not much yet but most of us have only been here for a couple of months. Oh and this is Homestead where everyone sleeps, we've already taken your stuff out and put it over there."

There were a bunch of belongings of the other gladers and hammocks where they stood but in the back of the homestead there was only one hammock and crate. The girl took some time to inspect the glade then noticed something.

"Wait, am I the only girl here?" She questioned

"Oh yeah, B-but don't worry we already talked to everyone while you were unconscious and nothing is going to happen to you, don't worry."


She looked at Newt who was smiling at her and just could help but feel completely safe and like everything was going to be alright.

"Come on, it's almost dinner time," Newt said as he led them to a boy called Frypan, their only cook.

Dinner was mashed potatoes and chicken, it wasn't the best but it was appetizing considering she doesn't remember the last time she ate anything. Newt and the girl both sat at the same table talking about the glade and who different people were. Newt said she would get assigned a job in the following week. She hoped it was something good. While she and Newt were eating their dinner a boy with a blue long sleeve shirt, bloody boots and his perfectly styled hair walked up to them.

"Hey Newt, I heard a new greenie came today," said the boy cleaning the dirt from his hands with a rag not looking up.

"Hey Minho oh yeah this is her."

"Her!?" Questioned Minho looking up from his hands and his eyes falling onto the girl.

"Oh my god you're a girl!"

"No, I'm actually a tree. Yes, I'm a girl. Why does everyone keep saying that?" She argued back

"That explains the knife thing I heard," He said with a smirk.

Minho went to get some food and sat next to the girl.

"So remember your name greenie?" asked Minho. There was a long pause of silence before she whispered something."What did you say?"

"Cara, my name, it's Cara," She said, filled with happiness.

"Welcome to the Glade Cara," Newt replied with a smile.

The three finished their food and sat down outside homestead looking at the stars.

"We should go to sleep soon," said Minho.

"Yeah, Cara you have to find a job," replied Newt.

"Let's hope you're good at running."

"What does running have to do with finding a job?" Question Cara.

"Did Newt not tell you?"

"Minho stop!"

"No, what are you talking about?"

"Out there is a maze and there are grievers in there, I go out everyday mapping the maze trying to find a way out of here," Minho said, pointing to the walls of the glade.

"Minho that's bloody enough," Newt said, his voice raising "Cara you're not going to be a runner."

"Why not? I could help find a way out of here."

"No, just get some rest," Newt said before getting up and walking over to his hammock.

"Good night greenie," Minho clapped Cara on the shoulder before going to sleep as well.

Cara looked at the walls one final time then went to the far end of homestead lying in her hammock.

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