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Cara woke up lying down against the hill she had slept to see Minho and Alby go into the maze as Newt waved them off. What were they doing? She thought to herself. It was still pretty early and she didn't want to face Newt yet. Cara made a quick trip back to homestead to get some new clothes, hurried into the bathroom to change, then put her clothes in the wash house. Cara walked along the forest waiting for Frypan to finish cooking breakfast. The sun had now started to creep up the wall and Cara rubbed her eyes. Her eyes stung like hell, she stopped walking and placed her finger lightly under her eyes yup they stung. Probably from staying up all night crying. She turned on her heels now walking towards the Med-jack hut. Cara met Clint there as he was organizing the sleeves.

"Hey Clint, do you have any ice?" Asked Cara.

"Yeah I'll get you some," He put down the box he was holding and went to the supply room, coming back with a small bag of ice. "Are you ok?" He asked knowing Ben and her were close.

"Yeah, don't worry about me " Cara took the bag of ice.

"You sure? Cause your eyes are pretty red." Clint pointed out while Cara was making her way to a mirror to put the ice under her eyes. She looked at her Hazel eyes in the mirror, they were pretty red but not that noticeable, she just had to keep her head down for the day and not cry. "I'll be fine." Cara reassured him.

"Ok, just be careful. Alright," He told her as he made his way out of the hut and to the kitchen for breakfast.

Cara had kept her head down for most of the day avoiding everyone and only talking when she had to. She spent most of her day in the blood house and the animal pens even when she was done with her work. But she couldn't avoid everyone, Chuck was being extra clingy to Cara today, Newt probably told him to keep an eye on her, that shucking shank!

"It's almost lunch, if we go now we will be early," Chuck persisted.

"You go, I'll catch up." Cara was 're-organising' the blood house trying to get rid of Chuck, making him think she was busy. She kinda felt bad for the kid he was only doing what he was told to. But still she just wanted to be alone. Chuck actually left her alone and went to the kitchens for lunch. Cara waited for him to exit the building before she sat down on a wooden stool, holding the knife Newt had given her the first time they met. She looked at her reflection in the blade. Her eyes weren't red anymore but they still stung a bit. Tears pricked in her eyes and she looked up, stopping them from running down her face. She inhaled deeply trying to comfort herself. Cara looked back down at the knife once her tears dried up in her eyes. She decided to go to lunch and eat something, she was really hungry as she had skipped breakfast.

Cara got a ham sandwich from frypan and was about to walk to her usual table when she spotted the back of Newt's head. Thank god he didn't see her. Cara looked around and found a seat next to Clint and Jeff.

"Your eyes look better," Clint stated, taking a bite of his sandwich.

"Yeah the ice helped."

"Where have you been, I haven't seen you all day," Jeff asked her. She shrugged and continued eating her sandwich. "Oh, have you seen Ably today?" Jeff asked.

"Now that you mention it, no, not really. Have you seen him Cara?"

Cara put down her sandwich, leaning closer to the two. "I saw him go into the maze with Minho."


"Shh, be quiet."

"What would he be doing in the maze?" Clint whispered, leaning in as well.

"I don't know, but things are changing," Cara whispered, a glimpse of Ben's face popped up in her mind, making her lose her appetite. Clint and Jeff looked at her knowing what she was talking about.

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