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After breakfast Newt took Teresa to the gardens for her first job and Cara made her way to the blood house. It was Winston's turn to watch over Ably so Cara had to run the place telling everyone what to do. It was frankly stressful to be in charge and to make decisions, but she was very grateful when he came back taking over. Cara was cleaning up her station when Clint came up to her.

"Hey Cara! It's your turn to watch Alby," He said leaning on the somewhat bloody bench top.

"Ok I'll be right there," Cara wiped the blood off her hands as Clint left to go back to the med-jack hut to wait for her. "Hey Eric! Can you finish cleaning this up!" Cara called out to him as she washed her hands making her way to the hut as well.

Cara found Clint at the hut leaning on the door frame spinning a piece of twine between his fingers.

"There's no one inside, so if he acts up just... scream?" He said before clapping her on the back and walking away.

"Yeah ok!" She said to him before he left.

Cara found Alby in the same place he was left last night. His veins were not black anymore and his breathing was normal, he was still tied to the bed though and his hands were clenched tightly making his knuckles white. Cara sat down in a chair across from his bed and leaned her head against the wall. She looked outside the window and watched Newt teach Teresa how to take the weeds out from the garden bed. He told her something, then she went to tug on the weed pulling it out then falling back. Cara was happy that there was another girl in the glade now, someone she could talk to. Teresa and her bonded overnight becoming friends instantly, but she couldn't help feeling that there was something off about her, like she was faking all of it and it didn't help that she also came up in the box too early and that she was the last one ever? Were they all going to die here? All the hope that they still had lost?

Cara shook that thought out of her head and continued to watch the two. Teresa was gone now and Newt was hatching at a tree stump with an axe. She found it very attractive the way he would move his hair out of his face and the way he smiled when he talked to Zart and Thomas. She found herself smiling and covered her mouth with her hand, embarrassed for herself that she was feeling this way towards a boy she had just kissed a day ago. Then she heard leaves rustling outside the hut, she looked out the window and Newt was walking up to it. She got up and made her way to the door where she met Newt.

"I thought I felt someone watching me," He said as he twirled a lock of Cara's chocolate brown hair around his finger.

"Well I can't help that you look so pretty." Cara replied as she cupped his face. Newt snaked his arm around her waist bringing her closer to him and he placed a soft kiss on her lips. Cara looked at her watch then looked back at Newt's face.

"I should go get the next person to watch Alby," She said, her hands still holding his face.

"Ok, Bye love," He gave her another kiss before letting her go and heading back to the gardens.

It was lunch now and Cara sat next to Teresa talking about her first day, with Newt, Chuck, Clint and Jeff across from them. Even though the glade was very loud with everyone talking they all heard loud thumps coming from the maze. Everyone stopped whatever they were doing and focused their attention to the maze, there was a series of thuds and wiring sounds before a loud bang. Cara turned to face Newt with a worried expression on her face when another bang echoed from the maze. There were five loud bangs and many more thuds before the maze went back to being silent. Everyone still sitting down in their seats looked at eachother shocked, not making any noise. Gally was the first to get up and walk towards the maze doors.

"Ugh, what did Thomas do now?" Jeff mentioned before following Gally.

Everyone else got up and went to the maze doors as well.

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