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Everyone took a moment to breathe, they just fought multiple grievers and lost their friends while doing so. Suddenly the door in front of them shut leaving them in darkness and an entryway opened behind them letting light in. Everyone hesitated to go forward as they caught their breaths. Then the pain hit Cara. She fell holding her stomach as the cut started to bleed out. Newt who was standing in front of her spun around catching her before she hit the ground.

"We're almost there," He reassured her, as he swung her free arm around his shoulders, keeping her on her feet.

They all walked through to reveal a tunnel with no end, and multiple pipes tangled on the walls. The eerie blue lights flickered above them as all of them started to switch on. They walked through the tunnel as the lights buzzed and the pipes croaked. Cara walked slowly with her arm around Newt, her shirt which once used to be a light blue was now soaked with her blood, her cut was still bleeding but not as much. They walked for a long time before they spotted a large metal door with a green light next to it and a sign above it which said 'Exit.'

"Seriously?" Frypan said in disbelief.

Thomas walked up to the door holding the rusty handle, before looking back at everyone unsure whether to open it or not. He turned back to the door and slowly opened it. The door opened with a creek and behind it was something no one was expecting. They all walked into the hallway and there was shattered glass everywhere, bullet holes in the wall, flickering TV screens, blood splatters and people lying on the floor dead. Everyone walked in as an alarm continued to blare around them.

"What happened here?" Winston questioned out loud.

They walked to the end of the hallway where they were met with a circular room, the place was covered in all kinds of machinery, wires, ducts and computers. In the middle of the room was a large table with holograms projected on it and computers around it. Cara let go of Newt and leaned on a table she look at one of the computer screens at projected onto the wall and saw her face smiling back at her, underneath was some writing which read;

Subject number: B7 

Title: The error 

Name: Cara

Gender: Female

Time: 2 years | 7 months | 3 days.

Cara finished reading all the information about her then spoke up. "They were doing tests on us," she said, turning around to face everyone.

"And they were watching us," Newt added as he went through the cameras which showed the glade.

Cara continued to go through the computer she stood in front of, she went through almost everyone's profile reading all their basic information the creators took from them. Then a video started to play on the big screen. There was a woman in white sitting down in a glass room as shots were fired behind her. Cara walked up to the screen with everyone, leaning on the table next to her as Newt stood beside her, his hand around her waist keeping her up.

"Hello, My name is Dr. Ava Paige. I'm the director of operations of the World Catastrophe Kill zone Department. If you're watching this, that means you've successfully completed the maze trials. I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you, but circumstances seemed to have prevented it. I'm sure by now you must all be very confused, angry or frightened. I can only assure you that everything that's happened to you, everything we've done to you, it was all done for a reason. You won't remember but the sun has scorched our world, billions of lives lost to fire, suffering on a global scale. The fallout was unimaginable. What came after was worse, we called it the flare, a deadly virus that attacks the brain. It is violent, unpredictable, incurable. Or so we thought, in time a new generation emerged that could survive the virus. Suddenly, there was a reason to hope for a cure, but finding it would not be easy. The young would have to be tested, even sacrificed, inside harsh environment where the brain activity could be studied. All to understand what makes them different, you may not realise it but you are very important. Unfortunately your trials have only just begun. As you no doubt soon discover not everyone agrees with our methods. It may be too late for us. For me. But not for you. The outside world awaits remember..." The woman picked up a gun pointing it to her head. "WICKED is good," Were her last words before she shot herself.

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