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"Ummm" Frypan stood in the doorway. "The girl she's awake." He said, Cara and Newt looked at each other before getting up and running behind Frypan. All the gladers stood around the tower covering their heads as objects fell from the sky, wait no, the girl she was on the tower throwing the object down screaming at the gladers to go away. A bowl hit Newt in the head and he put his hands over his head as Winston held a board of wood shielding the three. 

"Watch your heads!" 

"Ahh, will she stop!" The gladers exclaimed, shouting things at eachother and the girl to stop.

"Hey! Throw one more of those things and I'm going to - Ow!" Gally yelled. 

"Go away!" The girl yelled from up the tower. 

Thomas came running with Minho and Chuck. "What happened?" He asked. 

"Duck!" Shouted Frypan as he covered Thomas. 

"Hey, look, we just wanna talk!" Thomas yelled again. 

"I don't think she likes us very much," Newt stated the obvious.

"Take cover yall! Take cover!"

"Cara! Do something," One of the boys yelled.

"What do you want me to do?" Cara yelled back at him.

"I don't know! You're the same species as her!"

"I'm the same what?!" Cara yelled back again trying to cover herself from flying objects and talk to someone at the same time. 

Everyone kept on yelling and shouting at the girl to stop. "It's Thomas! It's Thomas!" He yelled at the girl making her stop throwing stuff. The girl peeked over the edge, she had black hair and her skin was pale due to the fact she hadn't eaten anything. She went back and stopped throwing stuff. "I'm gonna come up Alright," He said, still looking at the tower. "Okay, just me." Thomas climbed up the tower and was probably talking to the girl, but no one could hear what they were saying. 

"You ok?" Newt asked, as he turned to Cara.

"Yeah, you?" Newt nodded looking back at the tower.

"So... are we going to talk about what I think I may have seen or..." Frypan said with a smirk on his face as he looked at Cara and Newt. 

"What did you see Frypan?" Cara asked as her hand gripped her knife which was tied around her thigh. 

"See, pfft. I didn't see nothing," Frypan said, backing away when he saw Cara gripping the knife. She let go of the knife looking at Newt. He looked back at her giggling with his hand over his mouth, which made Cara giggle as well. 

"What's going on up there?" Gally yelled asking Thomas. Thomas looked down from the tower. 

"Ummm, you guys just give us a second ok?"

"Alright, come on," Newt told everyone as they started to walk away.

"Is this what all girls are like?" Frypan questioned.

"You really have a death wish today. Don't you?" Cara stared into Frypans black eyes.

"Sorry ma'am, No ma'am," He said before speeding walking away from Cara. She gave a sarcastic smile to everyone before she headed to homestead. 

Cara stood in the med-jack hut with Newt, Thomas and the girl whose name is teresa. They all stood at the foot of Albys bed negotiating whether to inject him with the blue serum that came up in Teresas pockets or not. 

"He's already dying, what do we have to lose?" Cara said, trying to convince Newt. 

"She's right, look at him," Thomas said, pointing to Alby who was in pain. 

"How could this possibly make it any worse?"

"Come on Newt, it's worth a try," Cara told him, putting her hand on his shoulder. Newt took a moment to look at Alby who was tied to the bed struggling with the pain. 

Newt sighed. "All right. Do it," He gave Thomas the vile which had the blue serum in it. 

Thomas walked around to Alby he clutched the vile as he positioned it above Alby's chest. Alby opened his eyes, they were pitch black filled with pain and hatred, Alby grabbed Thomas's shirt shaking him, "You shouldn't be here! No!" Alby shouted in Thomas's face. Newt and Cara tried to pull Thomas off Alby but he wouldn't let go. 

"Get the syringe, Go!" Newt yelled to no one in particular, just trying to get Thomas off Alby. Teresa grabbed the syringe from the floor where Thomas had dropped it and injected it into Alby's chest calming him down and making him let go of Thomas. Everyone stood around Alby as they watched him breath heavily. 

"Well that worked," Jeff commented. 

"Ok from now on, someone stays here and watches him around the clock," Newt told Clint and Jeff. They both nodded back at him, still shook from what just happened. Gally came into the hutt breaking the silence. 

"Come on, sun down, time to go," He told Thomas, as he had to go to the pit for his punishment. Thomas turned to look at everyone before he left, making his way to the slammer.                                                            


Cara sat down at the edge of the forest against a tree drinking Gally's secret drink which probably has alcohol in it. She was looking at the walls with Teresa next to her. She put down the drink and turned to Teresa.

"Sorry, this is not how we usually treat greenie's. But we weren't expecting one for another 30 days."

"It's ok, I don't even know what I'm doing here or why I'm here."

"Yeah, it happens to all of us. We all come up in that box not knowing anything but our name."

"Well I do remember something," Cara's attention was now completely on Teresa as she turned to face her continuing. "I remember water, like I was drowning and bright lights, nothing more than that."

"At Least it's something," Cara said, now looking at the glade, sitting quietly with Teresa. 

"Hey, how is it like? Being the only girl here and stuff?" Teresa asked, trying not to offend Cara. Cara chuckled before answering her question. 

"It's not bad, but you do get boys staring at you a lot," She told Teresa with a smile on her face. "It does get a bit boring and annoying, not having the same connection the boys do with each other. Oh and the rules they're so strict as well." Cara finished looking at Teresa who had a smile on her face. They both started laughing.

"Here," Cara gave her Gally's drink. "You'll feel better," Teresa took it, smelling the drink before taking a big sip. She immediately spit it out, giving the drink back to Cara. 

"That is disgusting!" She said, wiping her mouth, "What is it?"

Cara giggled, putting the drink down next to her. "Honestly, no one knows what it is. It's Gally's secret recipe, it probably has alcohol in it." 

The two sat back in silence enjoying eachothers company. When Cara realised something.

"You didn't come up with anything, did you?" Cara asked Teresa. 

"Other than the serum, no I didn't," Teresa said, shaking her head.

"That's alright you can borrow my stuff," Cara said getting up, with Teresa following her. Cara led her to the back of homestead where an unoccupied hammock stood, next to Cara's. 

"You can sleep here, my hammocks just over there if you need anything," Cara gestured to her hammock then walked away to the bathrooms to wash up and get ready to sleep.

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