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The whole Glade was silent as everyone sat down on the dry grass outside the maze doors waiting for them to open. Cara's eyes felt heavy and they had dark circles under them. Everyone's eyes did, no one got much sleep last night. Cara was sitting down on the ground next to Zart who was spinning a blade of grass between his fingers anxiously. Suddenly the doors started to rumble as they opened.

"Hey, guys. Get up!" Chuck yelled at everyone standing in front of the maze.

Cara got up and stood next to Zart scanning the maze entrance as the doors revealed more of it. With a loud clang the doors stopped to reveal absolutely nothing. Not Thomas. Not Minho. Not Alby. They weren't there.

"Told you, Chuck. They're not coming back," Newt said as he patted Chuck on the back walking away, everyone doing the same.

"No way," Zart exclaimed, causing everyone to stop and turn around. Cara looked into the maze and saw a struggling Thomas and Minho carrying Alby. They were alive. They survived a night in the maze! Cara ran back up to the doors as Thomas and Minho fell to the ground, handing Alby's unconscious body to Clint and Jeff. Cara placed her hand on Minho's back, smiling widely at him. He gave her a tired smile before he fell to the ground as well.

"What happened out there?"

"How did you guys make it out?" Everyone questioned the two.

"You saw a griever?" Cara asked, looking up from Alby at Thomas.

"Yeah, I saw one," Thomas answered out of breath.

"He didn't just see it," Minho looked around at everyone before he spoke up again. "He killed it."

Everyone talked over each other in the council hall. Gally had called a meeting to discuss what was happening in the Glade. Cara stood at the front leaning her arms on the fence standing in between Minho and Winston. Everyone quieted down as Gally walked up to the front. He took a second to scan the crowd before speaking.

"Things are changing. There's no denying that. First Ben gets stung in broad daylight and then Alby. And now our greenie here has taken it upon himself to go into the maze, which is a clear violation of our rules here."

"Yeah, but he saved Alby's life," Frypan argued.

"Did he? For three years we have coexisted with these things, and now you've killed one of them," Gally pointed to Thomas who was sitting behind all the keepers. "Who knows what that could mean for us?"

"Well what do you suggest we do?" Newt questioned.

"He has to be punished," Gally said looking down.

Everyone started to argue, shouting things at Gally, disagreeing with his choice.

"Alright! Shut it!" Cara yelled, already having a headache from the lack of sleep.

"Minho. You were there with him, what do you think?" Newt asked him now that everyone was silent.

"I think in all the time we've been here, no ones ever killed a griever before." Minho answered emphasising on the word 'ever'. Everyone turned to look at Thomas then back at Minho. "When I turned tail and ran, this dumb shank stood behind to help Alby. Look I don't know if he's brave or stupid, but whatever it is, we need more of it. I say we make him a runner." Minho finished looking back at Newt who smiled. Cara nudged him with her elbow. "That's bold coming from you," She whispered to Minho over the crowd arguing again, triggering Cara's headache. He gave her a smirk before turning back to the crowd of Gladers with their own opinions.

"If you wanna throw the greenie a parade that's fine! Go ahead!" Gally yelled, making the crowd shut up. "But if there is one thing I know about the maze, it is that you do not - " Gally got cut off by an awful siren that sounded like the purge had started. It was the box, it was coming back again. This early? It hasn't been a month yet. Everyone looked around at each other confused. Cara's eyes locked with Newts for a second before she broke it going outside followed by everyone else. Cara walked in front of the council hall before running towards the box in the middle of the Glade, Gally and Newt close behind her. Cara stepped down, opening the fence of the box as Gally opened the other. Newt jumped down into it. There was nothing in the box, no supplies, no crates, no nothing, except for one greenie lying down unconscious in the middle of it. Everyone had crowded around the box now looking down into it.

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