searching naira...

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In car

Kartik is driving harshly car towards Vivaan mansion side.

Kartik comes towards the cars where all his men r lying dead.

He comes out the car fastly and runs towards the car.

All men r lying dead on the ground. He become panic and starts thinking about naira..

Kartik starts searching naira..

Kartik (shouts): Naira......

He opens all the three cars but she is not there.

Kartik: Where are you jaan...


Naira starts shivering seeing so many men around her. She is crying and shivering in fear that what they will do with her.

Naira (while sobbing ):please leave me. I want to go home please.

Aditya (wipes her tears):shhh don't cry sweetheart. I don't like them in ur eyes.

Naira (folds her hands in front of him):please leave me. Let me go to my Kartik..

Aditya becomes hell angry listening Kartik name from Naira's mouth. He tightly holds her hair in anger + jealous...

Naira wince in pain.

Aditya(angrily ):see Naira i love u so so much. Ur all faults r forgiven but never take that Mafia king name in front of me sweetheart. Just make one thing clear that u all mine. Do u get that.

He bend on her lips, Naira side her face and Aditya kiss on her cheek..

Aditya: it's ok baby if you don't want right now I kiss you after sometime, because you are mine from now..

Stephen comes to Aditya..

Stephen : boss..

Aditya left Naira's hair...

Aditya (shouts in frustration after leaves her ):what

Stephen  Devin phone has come. He wants to talk with u.

Aditya: fine I'll talk to him later..

Stephen : ok boss..

He leaves from there.

Aditya sees towards Naira who us crying
like hell after feeling his disgusting and lusty gaze on her..

Naira  (while shivering goes backside of the bed):please please don't touch me please...

She is crying like a child.

Aditya chuckles.

Aditya :ok fine relax i m not coming near u sweetheart. I m Just going downstairs. So be comfortable here.

He gets up from the bed and starts leaving the room but before going outside from the room. He turn..

Aditya:lets make urself comfortable with me Naira. Because from now ur mine.

Aditya leaves from there. Leaving a frighten Naira behind.

Naira  (wraps her legs near her and starts crying ):i m not feeling good Kartik Please take us home. Our home. Where r u Kartik..

On the other hand Kartik sit down
near his car on the road. He is thinking about his jaan. He is hell scared for her. If something happens to her each additional every passing seconds he is thinking about her..

Kartik(calls david on phone): david search where is my  jaan..

He leaves from there towards his mansion.

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