~Chapter 5: Unexpected Confession~

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**860 words or 4735 characters** (edited)

I went inside my class smiling like a fool, feeling the joy of the moment bubbling up inside me. The events of the morning had set a hopeful tone for the day, and I was basking in that rare happiness. As soon as I stepped through the door, I was taken by surprise when two confetti bombs exploded from either side of the entrance, showering me with colorful bits of paper. The vibrant shreds danced in the air, momentarily transforming the dull classroom into a celebration of vivid hues. In front of me stood Lee Felix, my classmate, holding a box of my favorite chocolate, which only Lee Know knew I loved.

The sight of Felix with that familiar box of chocolates brought a warm feeling to my heart. He looked nervous but determined, his cheeks slightly flushed. I glanced over at Lee Know, who quickly averted his gaze as soon as our eyes met. His avoidance puzzled me, but I turned back to Felix, curiosity and amusement bubbling up inside me. "What's going on?" I asked, giving him a nervous smile.

Felix smiled warmly, the kind of smile that could light up an entire room, and handed me the box of chocolates. "From the moment I met you, I knew you were special," he began, his voice gentle yet resolute. Each word he spoke seemed to carry the weight of his feelings. "You're kind, you're funny, you're beautiful. You're everything I've ever wanted in a partner, and more. I've been observing you every day from afar, but I decided to take a step today. I promise to always make you laugh and to always be there for you when you need me. Although I will do that even if you reject me today. I like you very much, and I'd like you to be my girlfriend."

As Felix spoke, my mind raced. His confession was sincere and heartfelt, and I could feel the intensity of his emotions. My heart, however, sank. Felix had always been a good friend and the nicest deskmate I probably ever had, but I had never viewed him in a romantic light. The thought of having to let him down gently twisted my stomach into knots. I glanced around the classroom, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on us. My gaze briefly met Lee Know's again, and for a split second, a flicker of something—jealousy, perhaps—crossed his face.

"Felix," I began softly, searching for the right words. "I—"

Before I could continue, the atmosphere in the room shifted abruptly. Lee Know, who had been silent until now, suddenly slammed his desk and stood up, drawing everyone's attention. The sound echoed through the room, leaving a tense silence in its wake. I flinched because of the sudden outburst.

"Felix, are you blind and that helpless to get a girl who looks like that?" he scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain

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"Felix, are you blind and that helpless to get a girl who looks like that?" he scoffed, his voice dripping with disdain. "Plus, can't you understand she is already in a relationship? Just because I told you her favorite chocolate doesn't mean you can like her. You deserve better than someone's trash. Don't embarrass yourself over a girl like her."

The room fell silent, and all eyes turned to me. My cheeks burned with a mix of embarrassment and anger. Lee Know, my ex-best friend, someone I once thought was perfect and kind, had just insulted me in front of the entire class. His cruel words cut deeper than any knife, and the sting of his betrayal made my eyes well up with tears. I felt a knot in my stomach, a mix of fury and heartbreak churning within me.

How could he? The question echoed in my mind. I had harbored a crush on Lee Know for the longest time, admiring him from a distance and cherishing our moments together. But his harsh words shattered any illusion I had of his kindness. I felt a deep sense of betrayal and humiliation, standing there, exposed and vulnerable in front of everyone. My vision blurred with tears, and I felt an overwhelming urge to flee from the scene. I suddenly started hyperventilating.

Unable to bear the humiliation any longer, I backed away, turned and ran out of the class without looking back. My footsteps echoed through the empty hallway, each step fueled by a mix of anger and sadness. I sprinted blindly, my vision obscured by the tears streaming down my face. I was so consumed by my emotions that I didn't notice where I was going.

My thoughts were a whirlwind. How could Lee Know do this to me? Why did Felix have to choose this moment? Everything felt wrong. As I rushed down the hall, the walls seemed to close in on me, the echoes of Lee Know's words replaying in my mind. My breath hitched, and the tears flowed freely.

Suddenly, I collided with someone and fell backward, hitting the floor hard

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Suddenly, I collided with someone and fell backward, hitting the floor hard. I looked up through my tears and saw Kim Seungmin, my senior, looking down at me with a concerned expression. I quickly hid my face from his sight and looked down.

"Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.


Author's Note : Oh another drama? Sorry for making Lee Know mean but I got Lee Know as my enemy so have to make him a bit mean... Mianhae 😓😭🙏

***Next one is gonna be funny I can't wait for you guys to see it 🤞***

For Now That's Gonna Be All... See You Tomorrow LOVE YAA

Annyeongggggggg 💖💖💖

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