~Chapter 9: Navigating Uncertainty~

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**865 words or 4900 characters** (edited)

'What happens now?' My thoughts were a whirlwind, but I couldn't deny that something had changed between us.

After the game of truth or dare, Seungmin and I found ourselves 'What happens now?' My thoughts were a whirlwind, but I couldn't deny that something had changed between us.

After the game of truth or dare, Seungmin and I found ourselves in a strange place emotionally. We started talking less, and when we did, there was an awkward energy between us. Our conversations, once filled with easy laughter and mutual understanding, now felt strained and stilted. It was like we were both tiptoeing around a delicate subject, too afraid to address the obvious change between us. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that we both liked each other. But the fear of ruining our friendship held us back from taking any further steps. We stood there, feeling all confused and unsure about what to do next.

Bangchan noticed the shift between us. One day, he approached me while we were hanging out in his living room. "Hey, what's going on with you and Seungmin? You two seem kinda tense," he said, his voice filled with concern.

I shrugged, not knowing how to articulate the confusing swirl of emotions inside me. "Things... are okay... I guess," my voice barely above a whisper.

Bangchan raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying my vague response. "Okay, but that's not the 'okay' I'm used to hearing from you. Spill it, what's really going on?"

I sighed, feeling the need to open up but struggling to find the right words. "Well, there's this friend of mine," I began, hoping the indirect approach might help. "She has a really close guy friend, and recently, things got a bit... complicated. Let's say they kissed during a game. Now she doesn't know how to deal with her feelings or how to talk to him about it. What should she do?"

Bangchan gave me a knowing look, suppressing a smile. "Oh, this friend of yours sounds like she's in quite the pickle. Well, tell your 'friend' that she should definitely talk to the guy. Maybe she can start by finding a good moment to bring it up casually. She shouldn't overthink it too much."

I laughed, appreciating his playful response. "Okay, but what if my 'friend' is really scared and doesn't know if the guy feels the same way?"

Bangchan leaned back, crossing his arms. "Hmm, well, your 'friend' could look for signs. You know, like if he gets all nervous around her, or if he goes out of his way to spend time with her. Those are usually good indicators."

I nodded, absorbing his advice. "Okay, got it. But what if things get super awkward and they end up ruining their friendship?"

Bangchan shrugged. "Life's too short to play it safe all the time. Sometimes, you just have to take the leap. If the friendship is strong enough, it'll survive. And who knows? It might even turn into something better."

His words gave me a sense of reassurance. "Thanks, Chan. I'll make sure to pass on your advice to my 'friend.'"

He chuckled, patting my shoulder. "Anytime. Just tell your 'friend' to trust her instincts and be honest."

I smiled, feeling a bit lighter. But then, Bangchan's playful side came out. "By the way, how exactly did this kiss happen to your 'friend'? Was it one of those accidental movie moments where you both leaned in at the same time?"

I blushed, shaking my head. "No, it was more like a dare during a game. You know, truth or dare gone wild."

Bangchan's eyes widened with amusement. "A dare, huh? Classic. Did anyone film that moment of yours? We could submit it to one of those 'most awkward moments' compilations online."

I laughed, shaking my head. "No, thank goodness! That would be a nightmare- HEY IT'S MY FRIEND NOT ME... We are talking about my friend..."

Bangchan smirked. "Yeah... Yeah... YOUR 'FRIEND' got it... Well, next time, make sure to invite me. That would be good material for those YouTube moments... Your 'friend' will be famous..."

I rolled my eyes playfully.

He grinned, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Hey, I'm just here to help. Speaking of help, have you tried just talking to Seungmin like you normally would? Maybe throw in a joke or two to break the ice."

I considered his suggestion. "That might work. But what if he doesn't laugh and it makes things even more awkward?"

Bangchan leaned forward, his expression serious for a moment. "Youngeun, if Seungmin likes you—and I'm pretty sure he does—he'll appreciate the effort you're making. Just be yourself. And if all else fails, bring him some food. Guys are suckers for a good meal."

I giggled, nodding. "Food, huh? I'll keep that in mind."

That night, I lay in bed, replaying Bangchan's advice in my mind. He was right; we couldn't keep pretending nothing had happened. Just when it felt like we were stuck in this never-ending cycle of uncertainty, fate decided to shake things up. I guess life has a funny way of bringing people together when you least expect it...


Author's Note : My exams are going on so there will be slow updates... Sorry if this chapter was boring...

For Now That's Gonna Be It... I Hope You Guys Understand LOVE YAA


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